Chapter 4

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Veronica's POV
I lied to her. I told her I was fine. It was a lie. I can't stand. I'm in so much pain. But I lie. She nods and continues walking. It's dark at this point so she probably didn't see how fucked up my face is.

"I'll see you tomorrow." She says bluntly and continues walking.

I don't understand how you can do this to somebody! I can't help it. I speak without thinking.

"You just dropped the bomb. I didn't know what to do." She retaliates. She doesn't sound angry as much as she sounds sorry but is trying to hide it.

You said all that shit about me. What happened with wanting to make me yours? I force myself up slowly and start to move slowly towards her. She still faces away from me.

"I-Veronica." She starts but I cut her off again.

No heather. Why can't you just confront your feelings. ADMIT that you're scared. Im not asking you to feel the same way I just thought we were on the same page. I explain. I had to stop and lean against the wall for a moment to let the pain subside.

"FINE! YOU WANT ME TO CONFRONT THEM? THEN FINE!" She raises her voice slightly. She then takes a deep breath. It's shaky. I can hear sadness and anger.

"When you said that you loved me, I freaked out. I was wrong. I have deep rooted problems, Veronica. It's no surprise that I acted the way I did. At least to me. But for you, yeah. It was uncalled for. The last time somebody said that they loved me, it was my dad. I said that I loved him. I said that I loved him and now I haven't seen him since I was 10. I'm scared of it. I'm scared that by saying it back, YOULL leave too. I can't help it. So when you said that you loved me, I left. But it doesn't mean I didn't feel the same way."

"The last few weeks I thought about it. I Realized that I do. I just- I have a hard time with saying it. But it doesn't mean I don't. And you may not love me now. That's understandable. But Just because I didn't say it, doesn't mean that I don't." She explains and I can hear that she's about to cry. I'm proud of her for letting it out. I manage to make it behind her.

Heather, I still love you. I say. She doesn't realize I'm behind her.

"I'm sorry. I want to, but I-i can't say it back."

Turn around, and show me. Is all I managed to get out.

Heather Chandlers POV
"Turn around, and show me" she says softly.

I turn around and kiss her. My arms are around her waist and I can feel her smile into it.

I'm sorry that I ignored you. I say but she doesn't respond. She just kisses me again.

"Let's- go back to my- house" she slurs. I feel my face heat up before telling myself that it's not like that.

Are you okay? I ask worriedly.

"Hmm?" She asks with a groan that sounds of both discomfort and pain.

Slam. She drops. I have no choice but to pick her up and get her out of here.

After I carry her to my car and start driving, she regains some consciousness.
"How long was I gone?" She asks.

Not long. I need your address. I'm taking you home. I ask and she gives me the address. She starts talking about seeing stuff and starts nodding off again.

We get to her house and I knock on the door. Her mom answers and naturally, she loses it. I assure her that she will be okay and ask her where the bathroom is. She points me to Veronica's bedroom and says there's a bathroom attached. I head up the stairs with Veronica in my arms and sit her on the counter.

Why do you have to get yourself into these situations? I mumble to myself.

You look cute though. Minus the blood. You're going to have a bad ass scar. I chuckle softly as I start to clean the gash on her lip.

"Thanks. I was hoping it would leave one." She mumbles.

Somebody is awake, huh?

"For a while. Just listening to you talk to yourself." She says.

So when you're all cleaned up, we should go to my house. Nobody is ever home. My mom occasionally but she's working out of town so. I suggest. Her eyes widen and I can tell she's nervous.

OH no. Not uh not like that. Unless you want to. But um...I thought we could just watch a movie. I clarify.

"No yeah of course yeah. Totally. That sounds- nice." She smiles.

Time pass.
Veronica's POV
Heather and I are watching a movie and I start to fall asleep. I wake up to her playing with my hair.

"Sawyer, do you want to go to bed?" She asks.

Mmmhm. I let a tired groan out. And she carries me up the stairs.

I was capable of walking, YKnow. I tease her as I lay down.

"Yeah but I'd rather carry you." She says laying down beside me and turning off the light. There's a soft light in her room from the moon outside. We sit there quietly for a moment. Heather pushes a strand of hair behind my ear and leaves her hand on my cheek shifting to get a little closer. A few moments later, I breaking the silence.

What are you thinking about? I ask softly.

"What I want to do." She replies.

What do you want to do? I ask nervously.

"I want to kiss you." She says softly. I nod and she kisses me. I quickly deepen it by pulling her closer. I turn on my back and pull her on top of me. After a few minutes she lays back down beside me.

"Jesus I loved that." She says lacing her fingers with mine.

Jesus, I love you. I say.

"I know." She says placing one last kiss on my lips before laying back down.

C-Can I put my head on your chest? I ask nervously hoping she says yes.

"Sure, Sawyer. Be my guest." She replies.

I lay my head on her chest and she wraps her arms around me. Before I know it. I'm dreaming.

A Poem [ChanSaw]Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora