Chapter 8

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Veronica's POV.

It's our last day in California and that means the pride festival! I pick my swatch up off the side table and it's not toooo early.

Heatherrrrrr wake uppppppp! I fling my skinny arms over her waist.

"I'm up I'm up. Relax." She says as she sits up.

Get dresssssedddddddd! I say with excitement.

"Alright alright im going. Come with me. We're doing your makeup". She pulls my hand.

An hour later I look in the mirror and see that she did a beautiful rainbow fade thingy. I don't know makeup so I don't know what it's called.

"Now get outa here and let me get dressed." She says. I nod and get out.

A few minutes later, she comes out and looks at me. I stare in disbelief. Black ripped jeans, red t shirt, red shoes. The shirt is VERY tight.

"You like?"

Yes. Very much. I say. She gets closer to me. I can't take it so I lean in and kiss her.

"Ready to go?" She asks.

Yes ma'am. I reply sarcastically.

She kisses me and we go out the door and meet the warm breeze. The heat surrounds us almost immediately. It's a hot day but I'm excited.

A few hours pass
Heather Chandlers POV.
I end up carrying Veronica on my back. Some serious piggy backing if you ask me.

"I love you. Thank you." She whispers into my ear. I turn my head and kiss her. I like being away from the people back home. I don't have to worry about anyone seeing us.

"YEAHHHH" an older guy with a camera yells.

"Hey I never pass up a photo shoot." Veronica teases.

"Really? Here! Let me get a shot of you two kissing. JERRY GIVE ME THE FLAGS!" He yells. A shorter younger guy comes up and wraps us in a pride flag.

"I really like her makeup" he says to me.

Thanks. I did it for her. I reply with a smile.

"Oh I know. Her hands aren't capable of that." He chuckles.

Definitely not. I laugh before turning back to Veronica and kissing her passionately.

We go about our day and later on, the same two guys find us sitting in an alleyway...unfortunately, our lips were locked. One guy clears his throat.

Mph. Sorry! I say standing up. Veronica it's groans.

"I was comfy." She whines.

Sorry. I chuckle before placing one more kiss on her cheek.

Can I help you guys? I stand up and hold out my hand. I'm met with an awkward handshake from one and a firm from the other.

"I don't think we've ever met. My names Calvin" I see Veronica's face grow jealous.
"and this is my partner Jerry!" He adds with a smile I see Veronica's dirty look turn into one of relief.

Relax there short stack. Not everybody is out to steal me from you. I can't help but giggle.

The boys hand us a few photos. I look at them.

That's us. These are really good! I hand them to Veronica.

"Wow you look hot" Her smile turning into a smirk. My face grows pink.

T-thanks. I smile.

"I'm gonna go grab us some waters I'll be back in a bit." She smiles at me. I pull her back and kiss her again before letting her go.

Veronica's POV
As I'm walking back with some water, I feel somebody pull me into an alley again. I feel lips hit mine. I thought it was Heathers so I stood there for a moment before realizing it wasn't

"Now I think we should finish what we started." The voice brings back memories I had managed to forget.
Jason Dean in the flesh.

HEATHER! HELP! I shout. Within seconds he's ripped off of me.

"I swear to god I did it once and I'll do it again. Get the fuck out of here." Heather shouts as she puts her hand in her pocket and pulls out a switchblade. He runs.

Heather runs up to me.

"Are you okay? What happened? Did he hurt you?" She asks.

I can't see straight. Theres these voices in my head. I blink and boom. Everybody is gone. I see Ram. He looks to me and starts chanting.

Yo, girl keep it together.
Heather? Calvin?

I then see Kurt. JD must have killed him and left the note I wrote. This is bad.

Kurt chants with ram.

I knew you would go far.

I look around for Heather and my heart stops.

Now you're truly a Heather.

Smell how gangsta you are.

They keep chanting until they say something that confuses me...then I see it. I see her.

Come join heather in hell.

I see Heather Chandler. The same outfit she was in the night JD and I tried to poison her...I feel my eyes burn as tears quickly fall.

Why did you let me die, Ronnie?

H-Heather I didn't! I-I love you I wouldn't!

Join me in hell Veronica!

You aren't in're not real.

Then how come I feel so much pain? How come I can't breathe Veronica? Help me!

I scream. Everything goes black.

I wake up in the bathroom at Heathers house. It was our last day in cali so I'm assuming she just made sure we got home.

I look over to the left and my eyes meet those of a sleeping Heather Chandler. She's on the floor. Poor thing.

H-heather? How did I get here? What happened? I ask. My brain foggy.

"JD happened. He's not dead...he's coming for us. He's going to hit hard and we're gonna have to be careful. Be ready to fight at any moment." She says.

I try to get up.

"No. Get up slow. You had a rough day. Let's just talk. Heather asked me to get us into a Remington party and I thought we could go...."

When is it? I sigh.

"Two days before school starts back up...I won't drink. I'll stick with you." She runs her hand through my hair.

That's ok I guess. A smile creeps on my face.

I love you. I say softly.

"I know." She says as she kisses me and then helps me up.

A Poem [ChanSaw]Where stories live. Discover now