chapter 22

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Veronica's POV.
It's been a few weeks since the incident with Heather. We're all sitting in the bathroom with Heather in my arms. An announcement comes over the PA system...

"All students please report to the main auditorium."

So we all go. It's somber. A lot of people seem sad.

"Whats going on?" Mac asks as we sit down.

Miss Fleming walks up to a microphone to talk.

"Hello westerberg. I regret to inform you that one of our fellow Rottweilers has been hospitalized and is in critical condition. The student goes by the name Jason Dean. JD for short." She begins.

Holy shit...I whisper. I look over at Heather, who is now looking rather pale.

" The cause of injury is clearly failed homocide. He was found in his bedroom 2 weeks ago with several stab wounds. One in the throat and 12 in the chest and various other areas." She continued.

Heather begins to fidget and get antsy. She was the one who almost killed him. It was in self defense. But he's still alive.


Heather Chandlers POV.
"Heather?" I hear Veronica call my name.

Yeah? I ask shakily.

"You have to stop fidgeting. They are gonna get suspicious." She replies. I calm down.

"A few students will be taken into a room down the hall for interrogation. This does not mean that we believe said student is in the wrong. It just means you're getting questioned." The hippie explains.

Fuck. I whisper.
"Shit." Veronica whispers.
It'll be fine. I'm not gonna worry about it.

"Will the following students please exit the auditorium in an orderly fashion.
Courtney smith.
Colin field.
Dylan Haddock.
Jacob May.
Callie Weller.
Veronica Sawyer
Heather Chandler.

We do as told. I'm first for interrogation since my last name comes first.

"Heather, how do you know Jason Dean?" The woman asks.

I um. He was dating my friend Veronica. I reply.

"Okay and how long had they been together?"

Not very long.

"And how would you describe your relationship with Mr Dean?"

He didn't like me. We were acquaintances. But never friends.

"Do you have any idea who might have done this? Anyone who had any issues with him?"


"Thank you for your cooperation."

I get up and leave. Veronica goes in and it's a very long wait.

Veronica's POV.
"And how would you describe your relationship with Mr Dean AFTER you split up?"

He....He was— he. I nearly start to cry.

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