Chapter 19

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Heather Chandlers POV.
I was sober for a while until I got home and realized my leg which had been hurt in the car accident, multiple times by JD, and over worked, was in a lot of pain. So I drank to over power that pain. And now I'm at Veronica's window. Trying not to fall as I'm drunk off my ass.

She opens her window and jumps in fear before realizing it's just me. I giggle.

YOuRe CuTe! I slur out.

"You're drunk." She says angrily but subtly.

Whaaaaat? NOOOOO! I try to cover it up.

"Heather, why are you here? You know I'm not supposed to have people over on school nights." She tries to come up with an excuse.

I don't care! Unless you're embarrassed of me! I say.

"I'm not. You're the one who seems a little embarrassed of me. But it's okay." She sighs.

I begin feel sick. It's been a while since I've had a drink like this so my body isn't used to it like it was before.

RoNnie? I don't FeelSoGoOood. I say woozily.

"Ok come one. Let's go." She takes my hand and leads me down the hall to the bathroom. As were walking I nearly fall and pull her with me. I giggle loudly before whining again that I, as I said before, didn't feel well. We get to the bathroom and I sit down against the wall. There's a pulsating pain rushing through my leg. I let my head nod around as I sweat.

"I'm gonna get you some water." She says. I nod.

The moment she leaves, that's when I start throwing up. Which I absolutely hate doing. Especially alone. I hear the door open and see Veronica's brother.

"DAMN! you are FUCKED up!" He breaks out in a quiet laughter.

Get tHe FUck out of here, Ben! LEAVE. I say painfully.

"Leave her alone." Veronica's voice calms me down. I throw up again.

Veronica's POV.
I hear Heather yelling at my brother. so, I rush up the stairs with a whole loaf of bread and 2 bottles of water. I see that she's throwing up now. Which is good because she needs to get the alcohol out of her system. Or whatever drugs she's been using. I rub her back in circles.

You're okay. Just get it all out and then eat some bread and water. I say softly before pulling out some peroxide and new bandages for Heathers leg. I wrap it and she lays down against my lap. A few minutes after that, she asks for bread. so, I hand it to her.

"FeEd It To MeEe" she whines.

Um...ok. You are so fucked right now. I giggle and put a small piece of the bread into her mouth.

The next morning, we wake up in my bed. To my mother. Standing there.

"You're late for school. I'll give you a ride." She says. Heather sits up.

"Oh! Veronica, your friend is here? I can give her a ride too." She adds.

"Thanks, mrs. Sawyer!" Heather says as though she isn't hung over ready to die.

Guess we're going to school. I sigh.

Time passes.

As we are about to walk into the school, I feel Heathers hand slowly wrap into mine. I look up at her and she just smiles. Are you sure? I ask nervously. She nods. We walk in and it immediately feels like every single eye in the building is on our two hands intertwined. We're a bit late so the student PA manager is already playing the 10 minute mix. A group of songs that alert students of the 10 minute mark before first block starts. I feel my heart start racing. My breathing is speeding up. I feel my palms start to sweat and soon, my eyes begin to sting. I let go of her hand and run to the Heathers bathroom. When I get inside, I start to cry. Not long after, Heather comes in. She immediately comes up to me and puts her hands on my cheeks. She as the final song starts playing.

I'm sorry that I was mad at you for being scared. I'm sorry that I pressured you to hold my hand at school if you weren't ready. I'm sorry that I wasn't ready. I eventually just bury my head in her chest and sob. We sway to the song and just as it's about to end, she tilts my chin up, using her thumb, she wipes the tears away so that my makeup doesn't run down my cheeks, and leans down, placing a soft yet passionate kiss on my lips.

"You don't have to be ready now. You just let me know when you are." She says before putting her hand on my back to guide us out of the bathroom.

"HUGE PARTY AT MY PLACE! Bring all your friends or you're lame." A freshman comes up to us handing us a paper.

"Oh we are not going to that."

We should. Maybe I can finally get drunk without worrying about getting home. I tease.

"Shush" she says. I've never really been drunk before. So it'll be fun! We're definitely going despite Heathers attempt to get out of it. I go to my class and sit as the clock slowly ticks by. Waiting to meet up with Heather in the library. The bell rings and we all pour out into the hallway. I make my way to the library, Where we usually just make out in the empty corner. By this time of the day, she's usually drunk. As I'm looking through books in a separate room, I hear the door open, then close, then lock. I feel somebody grab me and spin me around. My lips meet those of Heather Chandlers. I melt into it. But I can tell she's not too drunk because I start to close the blinds as our lips continue in their rhythm. I start to unbutton her denim jeans and she stops me.

"Ronnie." She stops me.
Heather Chandlers POV.
Ronnie. I stop her. I'm very self conscious of my body. Despite my efforts to stand out at school.

"Please! Ever since I first kissed you, i-I have wondered what every. inch. of your b-body would taste like." She tries to say seductively but is clearly nervous. It's cute. She's trying to be hot and it's just not working out for her on the talking half.

We have our entire lives to worry about that.  But for now— I pause to flip the lock on the door. I wanna taste every. Inch. Of YOUR body. I say much more confidently.

"We're at school." She says.

That wouldn't have stopped you. I say.

"But your also not fully sober." She says.


"Better drink next Thursday too because you can't on  that Friday. You gotta drive." She says with a smile.

What? Veronica tell me we ARE NOT going to that lame kids party. I groans

"Oh we're going. It won't be lame when we're there." She tugs on my hands like a child.

I can't even make out with you at a party of freshmen! I groan again.

"And why is that? It just makes it easier because nobody from our grade would see it." She asks.

Because. Freshmen can make fun of you in an accurate way. They find things that you don't like about yourself that YOU didn't even KNOW you didn't like about yourself. I reply admittedly.

"What? You don't like that you're a lesbia—" my hand quickly covers her mouth.

Don't say that out loud....not here. I say sternly but quietly.

Veronicas POV.
Heather aggressively puts her hand over my mouth. When she takes initiative like that, it turns me on. I wish she'd let me make her feel as good as she makes me feel. But every time I try, she always slithers her way out of it or just does to me what I wish I could do to her. And it's fine. Maybe she isn't ready. I respect that. But it would be so much better if I could just do it.

Either way, it's only 7 more days until the party. I'm excited to get drunk. And be with Heather an Heather at the party too.

Best senior year ever, here we come.

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