Chapter 18

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Veronica's POV.
I wake up and look around. I can't see. I try to move but my legs are tied together.
Where the fuck am I? I say before coughing. I'm still sick.

My hands are free so I reach up to my face and try to pull whatever it is off of my eyes. Now that I can see, I look around. I'm in a bedroom. It's lit with blue lights and it's very dark but well put together. I look over to a desk and see a bomb with 27 minutes ticking down. What the fuck? I look to the left of the desk and see a cage with a small hamster or mouse. Awe. No. Veronica. This isn't good. Where are you? I think to myself. Shit. I'm at JDs. I remember this bedroom. I think to myself. I pull the knife out of my high tops and cut the rope at my feet. My head is KILLING me but I have to keep moving. I have to get out before he realizes I'm awake.

I look down to my right and see heathers wrist. I know it's hers because the iconic red scrunchie wrapped around it. Shes still out. I can't move but I can reach for it. I reach for it and pull it.

Heather? Heather wake up!

When I get no response, I freak. HEATHER! BABY! WAKE. THE FUCK. UP. Nothing. No response.

I realize that my hands are bleeding. I feel blood drip down my face. It's really dark but the blue lighting makes my blood look almost purple or black. I don't like blood. But I manage. I need her to wake up. I use all of my strength. Every last bit to get up. I crawl over to her and shake her shoulders. Please wake up. Wake up.

"Now if you move one more fucking muscle, I will slit every inch of your body with her knife." A voice calls from behind me.

Why are you doing this? She didn't do anything to you. She was protecting me. Just let us go. I beg. Nearly crying.

"I can't do that. Uh uh. No. See, in order to let one of you go, I have to kill the other. Or I could just kill both of you." He shouts.

"Me. Let her go." I hear heather groan.

"As you wish" he walks up to her. I watch as her almost lifeless body is scooped up by JD. He walks very slowly past me. Stopping 5 seconds between each step. When he stops in front of me, I look to his leg where her arm hangs and watch as her hand forms half of a heart with her thumb on the bottom and the rest of her fingers curved at the top.
As he exits the doorway, her leg slams into it. She doesn't move. Or make a sound. I can't even fight the physical pain in my head anymore. I can't get up right now to stop him. He'll kill her on the spot if I do try. So I just form the other half of the heart.and touch it to her hand. Praying with all my might that he has a change of heart suddenly. I start to hyperventilate. I manage to bring myself together momentarily and find the nearest wall. I stand up and start punching it. My stuffy nose only worsened as I began to cry. I can't believe I let her die like this. I can't live like this. I continue punching the wall until my breathing speeds up. I eventually drop to the ground. I eventually pass out from the exhaustion.


"We are getting the FUCK out of here."

Thank god you're okay.

"Not for long" I hear his voice call again. This time, he has a gun pointed directly at Heathers head. He locks her neck in his arms.

I thought for sure she was dead until I peak out of the corner of my eye and see the hamster nibbling at the wires of the bomb. Yes! Keep chewing little guy! I think to myself. He finally bites through it causing a beeping to trigger in the room.

Heather Chandlers POV.
"Damnit." He throws the gun on the bed and let's Her go to figure out what's wrong.

I watch as Veronica slowly gets up and silently grab the gun JD threw on the bed.

"Put your hands on your head and turn off the bomb." Veronica says sternly.

"In which order?" He smirks.

"DO IT" Veronica shouts to the best of her ability.

He lunged at her and started hitting her as hard as he could.


"FUCK OFF" he shouts.

He kicks her in the stomach several times before she painfully groans "just kill me already." She meant it too. Her voice was so strained. So I pull out my knife and yank him off of her. I tackle him to the ground and start stabbing him over and over again.


"Heather, he's done." I hear a voice echoing.


"Heather, you got him!" She shouts.


Im pulled back to reality. Veronica in front of me. It hits me that I just did the one thing she didn't want to ever deal with again. I just look up at her. I feel myself begin to hyperventilate. too in shock to cry, I look at her and start apologizing. Profusely.

Veronica...please don't leave me. I can't do this. Please don't leave me. He was going to kill you. Please. I'm so sorry. Please. Please I'm so sorry. I had to do something. I beg of you don't go. I close my eyes and try not to cry. I feel arms wrap right around me.

Veronica's POV.
I wrap my arms around my girlfriend and just rock with her in my arms.

You saved me. I'm not mad. You saved me. Just breathe okay? Just breathe. I hold onto the girl who's sweating in my arms. It's hot in here. I feel sick. Heathers hot and it's making me even hotter. I'm confused as I continue to rock the girl until she eventually controls her breathing and falls asleep. We're both in shock. Only difference is, I cried....not a single tear fell from her eyes. It's slightly unsettling but it's fine. I carry her out to JDs Garage. I see his bike and the keys hanging by the door....I grab heather and carefully get on. I drive us home and put her in the bed. I then go back to my house. I write her a note before I left. "I didn't want to get you I went home."

It's nearly 2 am by the time I get home and finally fall asleep. Only to be woken up an hour later. I heard scratching outside of my window.

H-hello? I stutter nervously. I'm very superstitious. Ghosts. Monsters. Superstition at its finest. Me. I once spoke the name of the Scottish tragedy in a theatre and I had to leave the theatre, mutter fuck under my breath, spin around and then ask permission to re enter the naturally hearing these noises freaked me out.

Just then there's a clang.

Fuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuck I'm gonna die.

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