Chapter 10

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I apologize for the length in advanced! I'll explain why some chapters are so long at the end❤️
⚠️tw: Graphic content, homophobic slurs, blood, gore etc⚠️
Heather Chandlers POV
Veronica, hold my glasses. I say before charging at JD, slamming his face into the wall of lockers across from us.

TALK SHIT AGAIN. KEEP TALKING SHIT. FIND OUT WHAT HAPPENS. I yell angrily as people around us start chanting.

"Heather, Heather, Heather"
"STOP!" From a few.

He gets up and tries to punch me but I duck. I push his back against the lockers again. That's, when I hear Duke and Mac chanting along with the others.

"Get out of there! He's gonna kill you!" I hear Veronica beg.

"Awe look! The slut with a heart of gold!" He chuckles. So I punch him right in the face. His head whips back into the lockers. I get a few good hits causing blood to stream from his lip and nose. He then manages to push me down.

He picks me up by the collar of my white shirt and throws my back into the lockers behind me. I kick him right between his legs but it only angered him more. He punches me in the face several times before letting me drop to the ground. I fight back hard though. I grab his leg and drag him to the ground, twist his wrist in hopes of him loosening his grip on my shirt. It's no use. He gets back up and kicks me. Again. And again. I hear Mac get upset.


"Shh she's going to be okay. She can do this." I hear someone calm her down. Out of the corner of my eye, I see Veronica making her way over to mac. Giving herself a better view.

S-stay over there! I shout before slamming my head into JDs causing him to let go of me. I'm free for only a few seconds before he pulls me back to the ground starts kicking me again. I roll away and stand back up. I attempt to tackle him and manage to get a few good punches in before he takes control and throws me into the lockers again. He punches me again. I feel blood drip from my nose into my mouth as I fall to the ground. The taste of blood is one that I'm not too familiar with because I always win fights. Why am I losing this one?

He grabs my wrist and stomps on it. I'm silent.

You think this hurts? I laugh. It does. But I can't show.

"I know it does." He replies before kicking my face.

My vision gets blurry as he kicks me In the face once more. Then the stomach. Over and over again. People are yelling and chanting around us. I cough and a small amount of blood fills my mouth. I open my mouth and spit hoping that he sees this and realizes he's now committing another crime. But it's no use. He kicks me really hard and my mouth fills with blood again. This time, I spit it directly into his face.

"You're going to regret that." He drags me and leans me against the locker.

I'll fucking kill you. I swear I fucking will. I slur.

"No. I'll fucking kill you" he says and begins punching me in the face again. Both hands one after another. I've gone completely numb but he keeps going. My ears are ringing but I can sort of make out the sound of Veronica crying. It's blurry, but I can see both Mac and Duke holding her back.

"Stop. Someone went to get help. Just stop. Hell do tk you what he's doing to her."


Veronica's POV
"No ill fucking kill you." He replies to Heathers threat and begins punching her. Left right left right left right. Over and over again. I can't take it. I can't watch this happen.

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