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So cool.

Also for TheLionGuard8, don't take it as a promise, but perhaps an SMG3 x OC story might happen where SMG4 isn't also tied into a relationship? This first thought.


"Okay... This is A... B... C... D... How did 'E' go?"
It should be obvious what Four was trying to achieve at the moment.
"Damn, I thought it would be easier..."

What better way to learn a new language than with the alphabet and then kinda treat this new language as a text message until you learn more about it? He'll eventually become fluent in sign language, but for now, he's having a bit of trouble with his ABCs.

He knew how to spell the shortened version of his name, of course, it was the rest of his vocabulary that he wanted to know. Maybe if he tried using sign language as he spoke, he'll learn faster?

Even if it was late at night, he at least wanted to recite the alphabet in sign language decently.

In the morning, Four went for a walk through town reading signs while signing things out. If Gabriella was spending the day with Three, he was going to learn sign language as fast as possible so he can understand her better and show off.

At the moment, Four was waiting for his coffee as he was signing other things he saw when a tall lady he never saw before sat in front of him.

Let's pull up a picture of her, shall we?

[Hey, I have a bit of inspiration outside of the original design idea

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[Hey, I have a bit of inspiration outside of the original design idea. I had to throw that in somewhere.]

"Are you a part of a gang?" she asked. Four cocked an eyebrow.

"No?" he replied. Keep in mind he also was trying to sign as he spoke for more practice. "Why do you ask?"

"You're doing gang signs, right?"
Four snickered.
"What's so funny?"

"I am signing, but not gang signs."

"Whatever. Do you have any vagisil on you?"
Four's eyes widened as he was trying to process what the stranger just asked him.
"Now what?"

"You do realize who I am, right?"

"I know you're Super Meme Guardian Four. Surely, you have some vagisil on you, right?"

"Hooray, you know my name, but I don't even know yours!"

"I'm Cherry Foxring. Now you know me. Do you hav vagisil on you or not!?"

Just in case anyone was wondering, yes. People are watching and confused as to why Cherry was asking Four for vagisil. Also, for those who don't know what that is, vagisil is something for the lower region of ladies only.

So it makes sense that Four wouldn't have any on him.

"I- why would you even NEED some right now!?!"

Black, White, & Gray (SMG4 or SMG3 x OC) [discontinued]Where stories live. Discover now