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"He's alive?" 

I pant as Tora and I ran rushed into the Main hospital of Forester, still barely coming out of my shock after he drove the streets like a crazy person and we were pulled over three times. He was so focused on driving that I just closed my eyes in the passenger seat and said nothing. 

"Yes, he's in the operating room now to have his burns evaluated, Jace is awake but in the ICU. Micah and Avery are in the waiting room and Ryu is home taking care of the twins," Tora updates me as we burst through another set of hospital doors, running up four flights of stairs past multiple people who don't even recognize us because we look so distressed. 

"Is it bad? His burns?" I ask and I wheeze at the top stair, still dealing with the after-effects of smoke inhalation. 

"I don't really know yet, I just got the call that he was here. One of us still has to identify that it's him, but he came with Jace so it has to be." Tora explains and I gulp, losing some hope. 

What if it's not him? 

In the private waiting room, Micah was already standing as she spoke to a doctor in scrubs who seemed to be explaining something. 

"I'm telling you it's not him," Micah sighs as she rubs the bridge of her nose upon our approach. 

"What's going on?" Tora asks as I catch my breath and the doctor turns to us with a slight bow. 

"I was coming here to ask one of you to identify the king and to also be there for the birth of the baby," The doctor announces and I shake my head. 

"Wait, no. Sorry, it can't be him. Casper was pregnant but not like giving birth pregnant," I mention, stumbling over my words and Tora's eyes widen. 

"What do you mean he was pregnant?" Tora asks and I shake my head.

"He took a pregnancy test, four days ago and I looked at it today. It was positive, but..." I trail off as the doctor nods. 

"Well I have a man currently undergoing a c-section with a full-term baby and we don't have time to waste like this, so one of you can come with me or you can wait here until the end," The doctor gives the final ultimatum and I volunteer.

"I'll go," I commit and even I know it isn't him, I'll at least be there for this poor man so he doesn't have to do it alone. 

The doctor leads me to the sinks to clean my hands and sanitize as I gown up and pass through the final set of doors into the sterile operating room where I'm met with the man of the hour.

"Gael? Hey, wow, there's two of you?" 

Casper groans from the operating table while heavily drugged and attached to at least six different medications and fluid drips. 

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