56| All Hail King Galen, King Casper, Queen Micah, & Lunos Tora

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Ding, Ding, Ding,

The tolling of the twelve bells of the Crimson Temple sends a shiver down my spine as I bowed on my knees in the morning sunrise fully dressed in the heavy crimson and gold kimono. I release a shaky breath, calculating every step of this day and enjoying the privacy while I can.

From eldest to youngest, my mates would enter this small room of the temple, its paper walls open on one side to its koi pond just a few feet away from the cliff which currently holds the sunrise. It's in these private moments, we would exchange our vows before all of Crimson watched us receive the blessing of the elders and finally be officially crowned as the rulers of Crimson.

I kneel on one side of a very low skinny table that was to divide myself from my mate in this sacred moment. My hands clasped together as I let my fingertips touch my bowed forehead in prayer.

"Anu, I know you can hear me now and I know you're around here somewhere, watching over your grandsons and our babies with your loving gaze. Thank you for protecting my precious family and for trusting me with their beautiful souls entangling with mine. Thank you for saving me at my darkest moments and showing me the light. Thank you for teaching me to never give up faith and to believe in your power. Ajen,"

I utter a soft prayer and just as I finish the door slides open and Galen steps in, closing it behind him with a gentle thud before joining me from the table. I lower my praying hands and splay them out for him to hold and he does without thinking twice.

Galen looks incredibly handsome in his dark crimson kimono with lighter red swirls and gold trim. It compliments his dark skin nicely, along with his black hair being gelled back into a tight side part, and his eyes illuminating in their hazel and blue nature.

"Good morning Alpha Galen," I nod and Galen gives my hands a small squeeze.

"Good morning Lunos Tora," he says and I wish I could kiss him but it's not allowed before the ceremony.

I clear my throat as I gaze into his eyes, the key to his soul and already I feel like I'm getting choked up in words I haven't said yet. It's tradition for the Luna or Lunos to go first and I finally find the strength to say my sacred vows.

"My dear, sweetest Galen, I have been absolutely blessed with the opportunity of watching you grow from a man of no words to a man of few words and I love you so much. You've accomplished so much in your personal life that sometimes I wondered if you even needed me. But you like to remind me that you do and for that, I'm less insecure about this position. Sometimes I may say the wrong thing, but you've rarely been anything less than honest with me. You're the smartest person I know and I admire so many little things about you that if I were to list them all we would be here until sundown. You're careful but brave and you're confident in your decisions which are all the qualities it takes to lead Crimson and I'm excited to watch you grow further into this role. But always remember that I am here, you can always talk to me, be honest with me, tell me how you're feeling, admit when you make mistakes and I'll show you how to fix them, I will be your partner in every way, shape, and form. I'll hold you when you're stressed, I'll give you little back scratches and head pats when your sad, and on your hardest days I hope you remember that I will always be waiting for you,"

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