79| Dead By Dawn

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"Well look who decided to show up,"

I mention as Cas sneaks himself into bed, sliding into my arms from the edge. He smells like the clean ocean-scented soap he uses at his apartment with a little hint of orange. Most of the time I'm thankful for the mornings he makes it home before the rest of us wake up, which means he must have had an easier night.

"I know, I got out early," Cas grumbles without much explanation and it takes exactly nine seconds after his head hits my pillow for him to fall asleep.

I relax after his arm haphazardly tossed itself around me traps me in his grip and I let my legs tangle with his.

Micah was still asleep behind me while Galen had left early for his run, something he's enjoyed doing for the past year or so, although I'll never understand why. Personally, I hate running, I'm more of a lifting kind of guy, but he likes it and has been less stressed out and sometimes I join him.

When I do, I can't go for nearly as long as he can but he gets so excited that he's almost like Casper and it's so adorable I force myself to go through it. So for our anniversary coming later this month, I had a custom running path built throughout the woods on our property while he's at the office.

But today is the fifteenth not the 30th, which means it's my 6th anniversary with Casper.

I gently trace the wrinkle line on his forehead from his furrowed brows and kiss the tip of his nose as he sleeps. Quickly realizing there's a very strong possibility that he's not going to remember and that's okay, but he's not going to work tonight.

A small pair of bare feet smacking the wood floor could be heard stumbling down the hallway and I know from the footsteps alone that it's Kiem.

I shift a little bit so I could sit up on my elbow as our baby stumbles into the room in tears, sniffling as he comes to the bed in his favorite footie pajamas that make him look like a baby koala.

"Baby what happened?" I whisper while gently toying with Casper's soft brown waves and our little boy sucks on his thumb.

"Mommy, I had a bad dream again," He whimpers and I sit up, crawling over Casper to get out of bed as quietly as possible before scooping him up and holding him on my hip.

"Hey it's okay, it was just a dream. I'm sure it was pretty scary though huh?" I ask and he nods as he sucks on his thumb and nestles into my shoulder.

"Papa was in a fire and he said goodbye, but I didn't want him to go," Kiem retells while on the verge of tears again.

"Baby look, you're Papa's right here. Safe and sound, he's not going anywhere and there was no fire," I reassure him as I get down on one knee to get close to his Papa. Kiem slowly reaches out and feels Casper's back to make sure he was still breathing. Something we often did to the babies when they napped.

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