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"A little bit better?" 


I nod as I suck on the sweet lemon candy, the only thing the twins would let me tolerate these days with my head on Tora's shoulder as he held me close. The house suddenly went from bustling with migraine-inducing noise to a subtle quiet when he found me in our bedroom with my candy, water, and his sweater in hand. 

I turn my head towards his handsome face on his shoulder. His tired expression following the path of his hazel eyes when they go left and right as if he's got a million things on his mind, but taking care of me comes first and I love him for that. His arms secure themselves around my waist as he 

"I love you," 

I sigh as I kiss the nape of his neck where my mark lies and his focus returns to me. Rubbing my back as he kisses my cheek with an exhausted smile.

"I love you too Michi," He says with the same effortless flow of his words, nudging his nose against me and sighing.

"Just a few more months until they go to school right?" I chuckle and he laughs with me. 

"What if they get expelled and we have to pick them up?"
"Our babies are bad, but they're not that bad,"
"Did you see the tunnels they created in their bedroom?"
"Okay but no one has ever gotten expelled from Antum,"
"That doesn't mean our kids won't be the first,"
"During their first year? No, I don't think we have anything to worry about," 

I gently reassure the anxious mother of our children while my nausea subsides.

"Do you think Galen and Casper have wrangled the troops yet?" Tora asks and in the silence my suspicion builds and my Onnie intuition tells me it's too quiet for their good. 

"I think we should check on them," I mention as I let go of him, but he continues to hold my hand, refusing to let go so I don't fall due to the toll the twins are taking on my body early on. 

Reaching the living room, my suspicion subsides when I see Galen with Micah standing on the small stool the tailors had for us. The children gathered around the beautiful example fabrics the designers brought with them. Casper was on the floor signing to CJ on his lap while he looked at fabrics with Lily and Vailen beside him. Kiem was looking at the jewelry boxes brought by the jeweler with Jae watching over the family beside him.

Tora urges me to sit down on the couch and sits beside me with his leg touching mine as we watch over our little ones together. They're so well behaved right now that's it's moments like these where I'm at peace with our five energetic little ones. But that doesn't stop me from praying the twins are more like myself in their energy levels. 

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