40| Lotus Bells

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"Oh, sorry to disturb you Lunos Tora,"

Xora quickly apologizes after accidentally stumbling in on my moment of peace beside the pond in the sprawling gardens of our backyard. Curled up on the grassy lawn with my legs to my chest as I watched the mother duck quietly swimming with her five little babies. Xora's voice is so soft it more or less added to the calm instead of detracting from it.

"You don't have to call me with my title, you can just call me Tora," I remind him, just as I had last time as I pat the dry patch of grass beside me.

"Sorry, it's not in our culture to be comfortable around royals since you're our leaders, but I'll try my best, Tora," He explains as he sits next to me and my fingers start to draw anxious circles in the grass.

"How long have you known? About us being brothers?" I asked him to see if he had also been keeping secrets from me although I've only talked to him once since he's so shy. Xora reminds me of who I was before meeting the triplets. tall, lanky, and passive except Xora's naturally soft and gentle while I'm always playing defense. I'm pretty sure if I got into a fight with him, he would probably cry.

"I suspected the scenario after we first met at the mating ceremony, but I've been so busy with Jace I haven't given the idea much thought since," Xora admits and I know he's being honest. He has no reason not to be, unlike Hamish.

"How are things between you and Jace?" I ask and Xora lights up with a smile.

"Um, we talked last night which was a big step!" Xora explains and my mouth naturally falls open as I try not to jump to too many concussions.

"What do you mean?" I asked and he lovingly sighed as he stared at the pond.

"I asked him what his favorite color was and he answered. He said it didn't matter, but that's beside the point. He actually responded to something I said and he ate what I made with only two critiques instead of the usual six or seven. I think we're really getting somewhere," He says and I blink a few times, debating whether or not I should smack him in the back of the head to knock some sense into him or not.

But he seems happy and I know Jace isn't the easiest person to get along with so after nearly a month of being mated I guess short sentences might be their way of falling in love. I was lucky enough to meet my mates beforehand, but Jace isn't the sweep you off your feet kind of guy. I wonder how long he lasted with my emotionally clingy Casper.

"Are we really brothers? How do you know?" Xora asks and I unleash the deepest sigh, still recovering from the shock of it all.

"It's a long story, but Dr. Hamish confessed. He's our father," I inform him, but he doesn't seem as shocked as I was.

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