81| Who Are You?

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"Relax baby," 

"How can I relax when you're eight inches-MMMHMHMHMH,"

Right now, I really just need a five-second pause from his stubborn bickering, which is currently making it very close to impossible for me not just start drilling into him so hard he naturally submits and stops stressing about every little fucking thing for once in his god damn life.

So instead I opted for gently covering his mouth with my hand as I tried to stay still while he clenched so hard I thought he was going to cut off circulation to my dick. 

His brows quickly furrow and he starts to relax before licking the palm of my hand. Closing his eyes and moaning as he does which is downright hilarious. But I wasn't about to burst out laughing at his antics while he's still mildly cutting off my circulation, one hand handcuffed to my bedpost to keep him from running away, and openly exposed beneath me. 

"If you keep licking my hand I'm going to choke you with my fingers," I threaten and he whimpers slightly with his big gray eyes softening for a single split second at me before going right back to arguing


"Say ahhhhh," I prod as I drag my hand down to his lips and before he can fight me again, he sucks on my left hand with a furrowed brow and pure anger blended with fear in his eyes. Sometimes he shifts emotions so fast that it's hard to catch up with a second's notice. 

"It's not my fault your dick is so fucking massive," Cas groans as I move slightly and smirk.

"You're not the first person to tell me that," I whisper in his ear, just as I gaze upon Galen's fresh mark. 

I noticed his scent had changed since the second he joined me on the motorcycle. It's just a little bit sweeter than before which I quickly attributed to the fresh mark. 

"No, but I sure as hell better be the last," he growls as he pulls me close and our lips come together while I start rubbing his throbbing dick to relax him and he loses focus. 

"What would you do if you weren't?" I ask just out of curiosity and he didn't like that very much by the way he bit my lower lip. I groaned as his tongue came against mine and he wiggled his hips. 

"I'd kill whoever it was you fucked first and then come for you," He threatens and something about the fact that he can still hold his aggressive demeanor while I'm this deep inside him is impressive.

"Ooo, you're so scary when your protective," I snicker and he frowns, I can feel him mentally slapping me across the face before I slowly pull back from him and he twitches. 

"Ah, Tora fuck, wait, wait, wait don't tell me-" Cas groans and I push his shoulder down into the pillow, hovering close to his ear.

"I know you already fucked Galen, I won't be as gentle," I warn, my voice alone sent shivers down his spine that I can feel in his spasm as he cums for the first time tonight in my hand. I give him a sweet little kiss on his cheek before thrusting back in just to hear his dark groan.

It was a little white lie because I'm very careful at first until I'm sure he's comfortable before going harder. His one loose hand digs into my shoulder blade as he calls my name while the sound of the bedframe slamming into the wall matches my strokes and my heartbeat. 

Then I let my pent-up anger get the best of me. 

How could he? How could he forget our fucking anniversary after six years? I told him I wasn't mad, and at the time I wasn't, but the more I think about it, the more the feeling festers and this was a satisfying way to take it out. 

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