67| Lunos Tora of Crimson

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"We've got the area surrounded sir," 

"Good, he's almost here,"

I notify our security team with the familiar hum of voices in my earpiece quickly drowned out by the all too familiar bright red motorcycle. The sound of its roaring engine gives me a heart attack every time I have to follow him down the streets of Crimson. Often finding myself going uncomfortably fast down narrow roads just to catch up. He's already gotten into one accident three years back, but it barely phased him.

I stand on the edge of the sidewalk of the Crimson pier with the peaceful beach behind me. People were already peering over the border of security just to get a look at him before his speech to open the new Warrior stadium. It's impossible for him to not draw a crowd wherever he goes. 

My arms cross as my brother-in-law comes to a slow stop parallel to the sidewalk with his personal assistant Hunter joining my side.

"You made it on time for once,"

 I remark as Tora switches the key on the engine, fixing his black reflecting aviators before raking his fingers through his dark side-swept auburn hair. Paparazzi already taking photos as they catch his tattooed hand in motion. A delicate rose on the back of his right hand with his children's first initial on each finger. 


Tora sighs, leaning back on his bike and ignoring the countless people watching him as he lights his herbal cig with a lighter Hunter hands him so he doesn't have to keep the awkward shape in the pocket of his burgundy dress pants. 

His hand falls to his gun in its matching leather holster with his belt just to make sure it was still there. He now carries at all times after he was walking down the street with his youngest daughter Vailen when she was just two and a stranger attempted to swipe Vailen from his grasp. 

Although private security was only a step behind him, he yanked her backward snapped the man's arms in three places within the first five seconds before smashing his face into the concrete. Ever since then, he's trained daily in self-defense and carries whenever his children are with him as a last resort. 

His white dress shirt surprisingly still white with three buttons undone to show off the tattoo on his neck which puts emphasis on his three mated marks. He takes a long drag and lets the smoke puff out his lips in a cloud, but as he was ruffling his hair I realize he was missing something. 

"What have I told you about wearing a helmet?" I instantly berate him and he stands up, handing Hunter the keys. 

"It was just down the block Beck, I had to drop off CJ so Casper could watch him," He explains which doesn't make me feel any better, whatsoever.

"You had my smallest nephew on this death trap?!" I ask and Tora flicks his herbal cig and glares at me. 

"First off, I would never drive recklessly with my baby and he wore a helmet. Second, I am an incredible driver," He feels the need to point out even though his driving record says otherwise. 

"Hunter, what's on the schedule today," Tora asks as he puts out his cig on the street which would melt with the rain. 

"After today's speech you have a meeting with your apartment to pick up the keys, then you're free until your six pm with Queen Micah at the formal dinner for the opening of the sky gallery," Hunter tells him and he smirks.

"Sounds easy enough," Tora says and Hunter and I fall exactly three steps behind him as he walks the red carpet into the first event of the day while I listen for any suspicious activity. 

The Lunos is a natural after spending so many years in this position and shines with glowing confidence that has half the island falling head over heels for him. 

With a single wave at the cameras, hundreds of questions are thrown in his direction and he answers a few with practiced grace mixed with his snark.

He doesn't look like the typical mother of five, with his stacked muscular stature after the incident with Vailen which has most of the mothering blogs against him. 

But that's the only enemy he personally faces without carrying over his husbands' and wife's personal public enemies. 

I suppose you could add the House of Lotus' royal family to that list, although I'll never truly understand why. 

I move Tora safely through the crowds as he makes his way to the green room to get mic'd up and he cracks his knuckles, before rubbing the left side of his chest with a slight hum. Pulling his phone out of his pocket, he lets the assistants work around him as he makes a phone call. 

"Hey, I was just checking in on you two. How did it go?" He asks and quickly his brows furrow, "Cas, what's wrong?" he asks and then holds his phone out from him when the call drops. 

"What happened?" I ask and Tora unleashes a long sigh. 

"I don't know, but it's Casper Brexsen and Casper Jakob so it can never be good," 

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