70| The Crimson Five

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"Is Onnie going to be home to teach me how to draw?" 

CJ asks after aggressively smacking the center console with his palm to grab my attention as I drive through the heavily guarded gate to the road that leads to our home. Passing Ryu and Beck's house where their boys Malik, Raza, Anwar were eating ice cream on their front porch, waving hello to us as we passed.

Seeing the three of them had me wondering what my little gremlins were up to if they weren't all playing together. I glance back at CJ and with my free hand off the steering wheel I sign back to him. 

"I don't think she'll be home tonight buddy, she's looking at art with Mommy. But tomorrow I'm sure she-" 

The front of the SUV smacks into an object with a loud thud and I slam on the breaks, fearing I might have accidentally killed some kind of wild animal. I shift into park and jump out to help the creature if they were still alive, only to find my wild son spitting out dirt with his arm in an impossibly crooked position. His bike was now a crumbled piece of bent metal and his helmet missing pieces. 

"Oh my god, KIEM!" I shriek the second I see him and quickly drop down on my knees to which his light gray eyes flicker closed and he twists his neck to stick his tongue out and pretend to be dead. 

"I'm dead Papa, you killed me," He groans with his dark auburn hair covered in dirt and rocks from the pavement, blood from his scrapes dripping with each little twitch as I look at his arm.

"Kiem, it's not funny! Are you okay? Oh my god look at your arm," I panic and the familiar jogging footsteps don't help my anxiety. 

Neither does my son's playful sarcasm in full force.

"What happened?" Lily gasps as she joins Kiems side and he groans slightly. 

"Papa...he- he... he tried to kill me," Kiem claims with a dramatic flick of his non-broken wrists that sends the back of his hand to his forehead with a flair of exaggeration. 

"I didn't try to- Kiem!" I groan as I sit back on the concrete and rub the bridge of my nose. 

"Oh, so we're victim-blaming now?" Kiem snaps right back and it's times like these where all I see is a miniature Tora talking shit right back to me. 

"Uh oh, wait until Mommy hears about this," Myah huffs with his arms crossed in disbelief as he stands beside Kiem's head. 

"DADDY! PAPA TRIED TO KILL KIEM!" Vailen, the ultimate daddy's girl of our crew, instantly runs the second she sees Kiem's arm to grab my brother.

"Oh god," I groan, my head starting to pound from their little judgemental glances. Myah snaps his fingers, growing a plush floral pillow from the ground for Kiem to keep his head up. 

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