42| Trainwreck

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I threw my useless brother to the floor of his office where I picked him up. The stench of Tora's fear mingles with Galen's blood as I tried my best to not assume as to what could have possibly occurred in the hour since Micah and I left to take care of the office. I rested my hand on my forehead as I closed my eyes to take a deep breath, trying to calm myself down before I kill him.

"What happened Galen?" Micah calmly asks, attempting to be the mediator between us as she got down to Galen's level.

"I don't know, one moment he was right here and looked a little sick. I remember asking him if he was okay then everything went black and I woke up in my own blood on the floor. The lamp was covered in my blood, the window was open, and Tora was gone," Galen answered Micah and I tried to feel Tora's presence anywhere, but he's not in the house. He's too far for me to reach through our link.

"Oh god, you don't think I hurt him right? I probably just fell and hit my head on it is all. Maybe he went to get help?" Galen pleads and I open my eyes, meeting Micah's unconvinced gaze.

"Through the fucking window Galen?"

"Alpha, Betas, we've received a call from Forester, we found him," Jace pants as he reaches the doorway like he ran a couple of miles to get here.

"Let me grab a shirt, I-"

"No, stay here. Both of you. I'll assess the damage and Galen, you better hope to the gods he's untouched because if I find a single scratch on my baby I'm going to make you wish you were dead," I growl, Amiri's agitation is obvious with his pacing and itch to shift so we get there as fast as possible. Uncomfortable with the thought of our little mate alone within the walls of another house, even if it was a safe one.

"I didn't hurt him," Galen's softened voice repeats over and over again as he curls his legs to his chest and sighs.

"We'll see, let's go Jace,"


"This doesn't look good,"

Jace grumbles after he shifts back from his silver wolf form while my tiger carefully slinks up to the farmhouse where we were told Tora was. I could smell him from here along with that hint of blood but it didn't make me feel any better. On the wrap-around porch, stood five doctors holding each other on their knees in a circle as they bowed their heads in prayer.

Something you often find a Lotus doing when one of their members is close to death.

But Tora wasn't dying, he can't.

Not yet.

The gentle creak of the wood floorboards catches our footsteps as I shift back to my clothed human form. Greeting my cloaked grandfather Elder Mason with a low bow of respect even in my mind-numbing state.

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