47| Casi

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"Leave them alone Casi,"

My father warns as I stand just out of eyesight from my Mama and the love of my life. Watching as Mama picks up a knight chess piece explaining some kind of concept I wish I could hear. But Tora's frown captivates me, his attention focused on the piece like it's going to animate itself and start fighting pawns on its own.

"I just want to know what they're talking about," I huff with Galen and Micah outside playing around with our siblings, I had just managed to sneak inside when he found me. Dad crosses his arms with that all-knowing smirk that I used to get every time I got into trouble as a kid.

"How did I know I would find you here, you really think you can escape me? When have you ever been able to outsmart me? I raised you," Dad mentions and I roll my eyes, finally walking towards the kitchen where I was going to begin with to grab a juice pouch for Noah.

"You roll your eyes now but I am yearning for the days when your spawn run about and give you the same heart attacks you gave me," Dad adds as I open the fridge door, that icy numb feeling taking over.

Tora's gentle pleads that night had been on my mind constantly and the mention of children wasn't helping my persistent fight to get rid of them. If I had just given him what he wanted, took his side, fought with Galen for him, he never would have gotten hurt.

"I'm not going to have my own kids so I'll save you the stress," I answer him, pulling out the pineapple juice Noah loves and poking the straw in the hole.

"What are you talking about?" Dad asks, his smile fading as I shrugged it off.

"I know I was a challenging child to raise and I don't want to do that to Tora," I sigh and that's only the partial truth. If he knew the full story I'm sure he would agree that I didn't deserve that chance after denying Tora and the whirlwind of events that happened after.

"Did Tora tell you that?" Dad asks and I quickly shake my head.

"No, it's my decision,"
"This isn't a one-person decision Cas,"
"Not if I stay on birth control,"
"You know let him think I just can't,"
"No, because you're right. It's too much stress and he already has bad anxiety. Micah and Galen were the good kids. The favorites,"
"I never had a favorite,"
"You never had to say it,"

I confess and Dad sighs, a deep sigh that could blow down a forest as I disappoint him once again, but this time by choice.

"You're right,"

Dad says, his dark gaze falling in line with mine and my heart sinks at what he could possibly have to say next.

"I do have a favorite and that's you,"

Dad's voice doesn't waiver and he's never been the kind of guy to tell you what you want to hear.

"I'm sorry what?" I scoff, squeezing the opened juice pouch in reaction and quickly panic clean as I rush around in search of paper towels.

"You heard me," Dad says as he calmly wipes up the spill with the kitchen towel behind him and hands me the cleaning spray so the area doesn't get sticky.

"But that's not possible, you hated me," I mention and his deep hearty laugh catches me off guard.

"Casper, you could describe the love I have for you a million ways, but hate will never be one of them," He corrects me, wrapping his strong arm around my unsteady shoulders with a soft pat of his hand on my back.

Crimson Summer || Book TwoOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant