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*at the police station*

CSJ is being interrogated but every question she denies not knowing or having no knowledge. However, this time round CSJ could no longer act crazy or in denial. There was video and paper evidence to show that CSJ had done all these things.

Also with no being removed from Chungah group, she no longer had any assets that she could use to either post bail or even retain a lawyer.

It seems like the end of the road for her.

CSJ however tried another ploy which was to act insane (like she did in prison) what she did not count on was when she was sent to hospital for evaluation, she was sent to one of YH's hospitals. There they tested her, even though YH knew she was faking it. They decided to treat her like a mentally insane person, as such they ended up putting her into a padded locked cell. The prosecutor came and said that since she is claiming insanity, that they will recommend to the court that she spend her entire life in this cell till she recovers.

CSJ thought that her plan was working and eventually she would just be released, however what she didn't realise was that in that locked cell was a CCTV camera (to make sure that patients did not hurt themselves intentionally)

Through the video feed, the prosecutor and the judge could see clear as day that CSJ was actually acting crazy.

However, they needed CSJ to really drop the act in front of witnesses so they could convict her. That very day, YH came home and complained about what CSJ was doing. EB heard what her father was saying, "Appa let me try, let me try to get omma to really repent." Even though YH had doubts that EB could get CSJ to drop her act, it was worth a shot.

*at the hospital, in CSJ's cell* *time leap: 1 week*

"There is someone who is here to visit you" the nurse said kindly to CSJ.

In walks EB, at first CSJ reacted a bit but quickly realised she had to pretend not to know EB. EB immediately could see through her mother's act.

"Omma, this is EB. It has been a long time since we haven't seen each other." EB process to tell CSJ what has been happening to her since they last saw each other. She told her about her friends, her studies and that she had gotten accepted into University. With each hour passing, CSJ realised just how happy EB looked. Bit by bit she was slowly beginning to drop the act. "Omma, I am very happy now, but I need you to also be happy. Regardless, you are my mother. I love you but you have to acknowledge what you have done. Do you know after I left our household and started staying with OYH and RN, I could finally sleep peacefully. Why couldn't we have that? Why was your career and our reputation more important to you than me? Don't you love me. Please, I beg you, if you love me and are the better person I know you are please repetent. I have been living my life every day in repentance for the sins I have done, you can do it too." EB said crying harder with every minute. C

CSJ did not respond, but EB could tell she was getting through to her. "Goodbye Omma, if we are fated I hope I will have you back in my life again." EB hugged CSJ tightly and left the room.

*after EB left*

CSJ sat there in silence for a good hour, after that her face was determined and made up.

CSJ called the nurse in and in a straight and clear manner told her she wanted to talk to the police. That very day, CSJ had confessed to all the crimes she was accused of because of her cooperation, the prosecutors were demanding that she be sentenced to 25 years and more.

EB heard what her mother had done and knew in her heart that there would be a possibility of seeing her mother again, when she had served out her sentence.

With that, everything was slowly going back to its original place. Logan and OYH decided to keep Chungah group around however, they decided to turn it into a non-profit instead.

The Chungah medical centre was absorbed into YH's group of hospitals, but they decided to turn this into YH's charity HQ - where they provided medical care to those who live in rural areas and are unable to seek medical attention immediately.

The Chungah Art centre was absorbed by the Shimwoo company and renamed as the Shimwoo Art Centre. It's mission was not only to stage art performance but also create and generate art programmes for children.

Chungah School continues its mission but with a new school environment under a good principal. Chungah Foundation was also absorbed by SSR's charity where they provide financial aid to those who are less fortunate - such as school fees, school equipment and more. It was renamed as the Seolah Foundation in remembrance of Seolah.

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