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*from here on out, we get the same sequence of events leading to RN's 'death' only difference is that JDT does not deliver the final blow, it is EB who 'kills' her*

RN is hit and struck by the trophy by EB, she falls down the stairs and is left out there in the cold for some time. RN is bleeding from her wounds, she is then discovered by a security guard who quickly calls for an ambulance *we do get the staircase scene* OYH, YH and SH are out searching for RN and find her with the security guard beside her.

RN is rushed to the hospital and is put in critical watch. JDT, having witnessed the incident with EB and RN, decides to end RN's life to have more control over CSJ.

YH is worried about EB and tries to reach out to her. EB rejects her father and says that the only family to her now is her mother. YH warns EB that JDT is not to be messed with. EB screams at him and says to just focus on RN since he only cares about her.

YH comes home worried and depressed, he confides in OYH about EB's mental state. OYH promises that they will try their best to break EB free of CSJ but right now is not the time. YH agreed.

OYH gets a call from Logan who informs her that he will be arriving in Korea the day of the competition. RN is excited, and is hoping to win the competition for Seolah's sake.

All the students are focused on practicing for the competition. CSJ decides to try to ruin RN's chances of winning. She bribes her pianist to play the wrong song on the day of the competition.

Despite the mistake, RN is able to recover and sings. Jenny, SH and MH are impressed with RN's singing and all three express their admiration.

During SK's punishment, SH tries to make sense of her and asks her if SR was still alive, would she want her to act this way. SK begins to see some sense into her brother. Plus, with her blackmail, she is certain she would win. So she half-heartedly congrats RN. (she also wishes to make EB more jealous). RN does win the competition.

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