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OYH cries seeing RN alive, SH decides to leave the room to give the family some privacy. SH contacts SK to come to the hospital and informs her that SSR is actually alive.

OYH, YH and RN spend time together in the hospital room. RN says she is sorry she had to hide but she did not want SSR's plan to fail. OYH understands and says she is just happy she is alive and well. Then silence falls.

RN asks what is wrong. OYH says that now that JDT is put away, she needs to pay her dues (sins) *flashback to OYH telling YH and RN that she was involved in the death of Seolah, which causes RN to detest her for a period of time*

OYH tells YH and RN that it is time to pay her sins for her involvement and that she wants to also make sure that the rest who are involved in the cover up will be put away. YH then says what about Mari and Jenny. OYH is worried about that, which is why she has called Mari to bring Jenny over to visit RN and so they can talk.

Mari and Jenny arrive *Because of RN constantly protecting Jenny at school Mari has grown to care for RN and Jenny too.* They are overjoyed, after a while, OYH tells Mari and Jenny her plan. *flashback to OYH confessing to Mari that she had something to do with Seolah's death*

Jenny is shocked but Mari interrupts her and also tells her daughter that she was also involved in the coverup of her death.

RN also confessed to the group that one of the reasons why she chose to come back to Korea is to make up with Seolah.

*flashback of RN after returning to Korea, she visits Seolah's grave. "Seolah, I am ashamed to be standing in front of you, but please don't hate my mother. It was because of me that drove her to make that mistake. I will definitely win the Grand Prize in your name, please wait for me".

RN tells them that she will continue to live her life humble and ashamed of the fame she has gotten. She has only gotten this far because of Seolah. Jenny, moved by RN's speech, also confessed the same way that she was bullied, Seolah was also bullied by her. She does not have the right to say that she is better than RN or anyone else. She too will live with the knowledge of her actions

*flashback to season 1, where the children were trapped and exposed their actions towards Seolah*

Mari is shocked but happy that Jenny is growing and maturing. Mari recalls all the kindness OYH and YH has shown to her since they arrived back from Korea. She tells OYH that she will support her decision even if it means she too has to serve time but she tells OYH to wait one more day before she goes to the police. Her husband is coming back and she would like Jenny to be taken care of.

*flashback Mari introduces the 3 Queens to OYH. They are impressed with OYH attitude, behaviour and success. They form a partnership.

the next day: Yoo Dong-pil is released from prison and YH and Mari are there to fetch him.

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