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With their men (OYH's gang) in place surrounding the warehouse, they needed to make sure RN was secure before making a move. OYH and SSR went into the warehouse, JDT using RN's safety as a bargaining chip demanding that they hand over the Cheonseo district contract to him.

OYH tries to ask JDT whether CSJ helped him with the kidnapping of RN as well, JDT feeling overconfident decides to spill the beans that CSJ is involved but once he deals with them, he will soon turn his attention to her and get rid of her as well.

SSR "You are already wanted by the police, even if we give you the contract you have no company nor money to take it on. Why demand it?" "You idiot, what makes you think I don't have a backup plan, I have someone who is willing to back me up because they will profit from my business." JDT arrogantly replies.

Out of the shadow appears Alex - OYH and SSR are shocked by the betrayal. They didn't realise that Alex was in contact with JDT. Seeing their reaction, JDT knew that he had the upper hand - he demanded the contract and seeing no way out for themselves OYH and SSR hadds over the contract.

JDT goes over to Alex, "Since we got what we want, let the girl go. She is innocent in this." Alex said. JDT nods, but he chooses not to let RN go. He holds up a gun and points it towards RN. "Now that I have a golden opportunity to hurt the enemy, why would I pass such a chance up." He is about to fire the gun, OYH and SSR rush to try to stop JDT.

Alex then whistles loudly and knocks out JDT before he can pull the trigger. OYH and SSR run to RN and quickly untie her ropes. JDT's men move in but among the men 50% of them actually work for Alex, they turn and point their guns towards JDT's men including his secretary.

SH, YH and YDP rushes in after hearing the signal.

*flashback* "We can't just surround the warehouse, by the time we can actually react - it would be too late. We need someone inside." YDP commented.

"We can have an inside man inside the warehouse." Logan said. Everyone didn't understand what Logan was saying, all turning to him in surprise. Logan goes on to explain that even though they had planted SH to get information, he knew that once they had cornered JDT they needed someone else who could potentially help JDT out of his bind. He approached Alex to pretend to be allies and help JDT out.

JDT, unaware that Alex is actually in touch with Logan, agrees to the partnership with Alex. *here Alex pretends to have bad blood with Logan*

As such Alex was in the warehouse from the moment RN was brought to the warehouse, half of the men that were stationed actually worked for Alex.

SH rushed to RN and hugged her tightly. Having lost her once, he couldn't lose her again.

They quickly tie JDT up and bring him back to Hera Place.

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