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The children are preparing for their upcoming exams and as they are walking over to the classroom, EB is entering Chungah. Everyone was shocked to see her, especially RN. She observes EB carefully and realise something is off. She looks like she has lost weight and her eyes are sunken. Walking beside her is her guardian Mrs Jin (OYH informed RN that EB was now under guardianship of someone else).

Many students smirked towards EB, seeing how the former Queen of Chungah had fallen so much.

*same scene of EN and RN meeting in the toilet. EB mouths to RN to save her.*

RN pulls SH aside and tells him what happened in the toilet. "RN, lets just ignore her, she is getting what she deserves." "No SH, didn't we agree that we were gonna be better versions of our past self. As much as I agree she deserves punishment, but she asked for help, we can't ignore it."

Though SH was not convinced, he believed in RN's conviction, and so they told Jenny and Minhyeok.

Together they planned a distraction to allow EB to slip away.

*same scene with the children helping EB escape Mrs Jin.*

EB goes to RN's house and hides. RN quickly sends a text to her telling her to stay in her room and don't come out. She still needs to distract Mrs Jin.

EB goes home and sees how 'lived-in' the house felt, it was so different to the house she was used to.

*SH and RN are distracting Mrs Jin who has been following them since they left school*

"RN, as much as we are trying to shake Mrs Jin's tail, how about we actually try to enjoy ourselves?" SH asks. RN smiles "Seokhoon-ah, are you trying to ask me out on a date? Be bold." RN said teasingly, she didn't really believe SH would do anything. SH was surprised by her words, and decided to man-up and grabbed her hand.

They went to eat at a street store selling tteokbokki, SH being unable to take too much spicy food was struggling to finish the tteokbokki. RN was laughing at him. "Seokhoon-ah, I just realise your taste buds are too refined, you need to learn to eat more like common Korean people instead of a young rich master." SH pouted, now he was determined to make sure he had similar taste to RN. RN laughed loudly and patted SH in comfort. All this while, they are aware that Mrs Jin is looking at them.

They decided to continue on their date and went shopping. *Buying couple hats*

Eventually after a good 3 hours, Mrs Jin decides to leave them behind. They decide to make their way home. They separate at RN's door.

RN quickly goes into her room and sees EB sitting at a corner of her room. She quickly asks EB whether she is ok. Before EB can answer, RN gets a call from OYH to inform her that she and YH would be back late and to take care of dinner herself.

RN decides to call Jenny and SK over so they can talk and speak to EB also.

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