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RN returns back to school.

OYH begins investigation into JDT, LKJ and others. She focuses on Kang Mari's husband and the circumstances surrounding SR's death. YH tries to reach out to EB but CSJ keeps blocking him. They are both accepted back into Hera Club (via donation)

RN and Jenny are bullied by SK (same in the drama) However, RN is prepared – before she comes back to Chung ah, one of the school staff works for Logan and OYH. Every bullying action is recorded by the staff member.

SH is torn on whether to stand up for RN or back off. He tries to help her subtly (same as the drama with the toilet)

CSJ hires a ghost singer (same as the drama) OYH shows up and ends up performing. CSJ is taken aback that OYH got her voice back. OYH tells her that YH was the one that saved her voice for her and she will be taking away everything she values away from her.

YH begins to court Kang Mari over to his side, he starts by telling her he is willing to offer her husband a job when he leaves prison. OYH also proposed that Mari work for her. Mari hesitates at the offer, they both give her time to think about it.

School committee is brought forth – of accusations of RN bullying Jenny. (same thing plays out) Jenny comes clean that it was not RN but the others who bullied her. Then behind them, the tv screen starts to play showing the different bullying acts that were done by SK and her gang. CSJ is threatened into punishing SK and the rest (including EB) for their actions.

Mari, thankful that RN protected Jenny, takes up OYH and YH on their offer and begins to work with and for them.

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