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*note I am not gonna bring a 'real' JDT because I don't think he is necessary to the plot. Also I am getting rid of EB losing her memory plot - so the sub-sequence events will change quite a bit*

YH left early to check up on Logan, his progress is doing well.

Mari and YDP head to the prison to pick up Sangah, she was being released today.

With both his parents in prison, Minhyeok had been taken off by his grandmother (LKJ's mother). However due to the toxicity of his grandmother, MH tends to stay away from home. He often found himself hanging out with Jenny and RN. Slowly they were becoming friends, and MH realised just how irritating and shallow his previous actions were. However, he still felt his parents were redeemable.

Mari knew that Sangah was not a bad person, just that she relied on LJK too much which led to her judgement being clouded. She has spoken to OYH and asked if OYH can extend an olive branch to Sangah and help her out.

Mari choose to pick up Sangah

*flashback shortly after JDT's release, JDT uses his influence to get LJK released early from prison but leaves Sangah behind. LJK continues to work with JDT to get their money and business back.*

Sangah felt betrayed by her husband, she was shocked to see Mari and her husband greeting her. They brought Sangah back to their house, she was welcomed by Minhyeok who was hanging with Jenny and SK.

Sangah was shocked at not just Minhyeok's friendship with Jenny but also because SK was nicer compared to the last time she remembered her.

Mari offers Sangah a job at OYH's company - at the beginning Sangah refuses saying that her husband told her he was back at his law practice and making money with JDT - with the contract of Cheonseo district.

Minhyeok hears his mother relying again on LJK. He gets up and actually scolds his mother. "Do you know that it is because of you and dad's greed that we have gotten to this position? While you and appa were away in prison, aunty SSR, OYH and Mari have been nothing but kind to me, taking care of me better than grandma? Instead of looking to your husband, why not stand up and make something of yourself?!" Minhyeok, frustrated at his mother's attitude, told her to just leave and go back to her husband and forget she ever had a son. He would just make it out on his own.

Sangah was taken aback by her son's outburst. In all of Minhyeok's life he had never once raised his voice to his parents. She realised just how much he was holding inside himself. She decided to leave.

Before Sangah left, Mari told her that her offer still stands. After she had left, YDP expressed doubts that Sangah would come. Mari said "Let's wait, sometimes a mother's love is stronger than anything else in this world."

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