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Everyone's surprise to see Logan, they were unaware he was well enough to be discharged. YH explained that Logan didn't want to sit around in a hospital room protected while others were doing the work. So since he has been cleared, he can be discharged.

SSR, overwhelmed to see Logan well, went over to hug him. It is undeniable that they have feelings for each other, but SSR realise that right now her main priority is to her children first and foremost. So neither have acted upon their feelings.

OYH, who called everyone here, started off the meeting by informing them what Alex had found about JDT's recent movements into the group. OYH goes on to state that JDT is planning on getting rid of her. Everyone is shocked by this especially YH, he is aware that he has been given a second chance to begin things anew with OYH and even though things have been moving slowly, things were indeed moving in the right direction.

OYH says she thinks that they ought to play into JDT's plan of getting rid of OYH. The moment she suggested it, everyone reacted violently insisting that this was indeed a dangerous idea and they should not go through with it.

OYH too acknowledges that it is a dangerous idea but they needed to take JDT out either by their own hand or through justice. With JDT already escaping prison, many knew they had to kill JDT with their hands.

SSR interrupted the debate by saying that her main aim is to destroy Hera Place. "Too many people have died as a result of this building, if we all want to repent and start over again, it has to not be in a building that is high up in the sky. We have to come back down to earth and live humbly."

"I intend to destroy Hera Place, and if I have to, I want to destroy Hera Place with JDT in it."

*scene change*

The children have all gathered at RN's place, all know that their parents (minus Minhyeok's parents) are at SH and SK's place. They are spending time together, when the doorbell rings. When RN goes to the intercom to check, there was no figure on the screen, however, CSJ's voice can be heard through the intercom. EB, believing it was her mother, rushed to open the door, but was stopped by SK. Before EB could react, her mouth was covered and dragged away.

EB was shocked at SK trying to stop her to see her mother. SH "It is strange that your mother is not showing on the intercom, let's be more careful." RN chimed in and asked EB "When you spoke to your mother, did you tell her where you were." EB thinks back and realise she had not told her mother where she was. Jenny and SK recalled the conversation and realised it couldn't have been CSJ at the door.

Suddenly, Minhyeok ran over and whispered, "It isn't CSJ but it is Mrs Jin." I just saw her figure quickly pass the intercom.

"Let's lure her in, we may get some answers from her." SK said. At first RN was worried since it was dangerous but clearly this woman knew alot more. The fact that she found out where EB was meant that she had someone near enough to them.

RN replied "Ok, let's lure her in."

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