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*time leap 1 week*

Without saying much between the two of them, they began preparation to send their application and audition tape to Julliard. Though they should have consulted their parents, they wanted to make sure they got an acceptance letter before announcing their decision to their parents.

CSJ had found out that EB had filed a police report against Mrs Jin. She was furious that EB was actually abused by her guardian but she was even more furious after she found out that YH now has legal custody over EB and she was staying with OYH and her family.

JDT also found out this development, thinking this would spur CSJ's hatred towards OYH, he continued to use this fact to hurt her pride.

In the meantime, the gang starts with their operation of ending JDT's life. They gained a new ally in Sangah.

*flashback* Sangah showed up at Mari's house with a suitcase. Mari quickly allows her in. Sangah goes on to tell that she decided to leave that house. She thought long and hard about what Minhyeok said and without her son around - she truly felt all alone in the world. But before she left, she decided to bug her husband's phone and now she has all the recordings of conversations LJK had with different people such as certain people in government and more.

Mari with the permission of OYH decided to fill Sangah with what has been going on. She now works with Mari for OYH.

The gang begin to brainstorm the different ways they could possibly lure JDT to action.

*switch scene*

SK at her new school that she started to attend for over 6 months, because no one knows her she can start fresh. She decides to make different choices compared to when she was at Chungah. She came to realise that she only went into music because everyone else at Hera Place was going into music, but in actuality that was not her passion.

During class time, she would occasionally doddle, and her classmates commented that she actually had some good skills. At first she didnt really pay attention to their comments - thinking they were only just saying it for politeness. However, one day, during lesson her teacher caused some of her sketches and even though she was not good at drawing people (like a classic art student). She was good at design and colouring. Her teacher continued to encourage her to allow her creativity to flow in a project she assigned SK to do.

Hoping to impress, she decided to listen to her teacher's advice, everyday when she came home she would be holed up in her room just making sketch after sketch.

In the beginning, SSR was worried about SK being holed up in her room all day. One day, she decided to check up on her and realise she was busy making designs. Later on SK told her that her teacher had given her a project and she was really enthusiastic about it. SSR, pleased that SK found something she was enjoying, continued to encourage her.

In similar fashion, as Jenny was preparing for SNU she discovered that she did love music, however because of all the past competition between the students striving to be the next opera star. She was not keen on moving towards classic singing. She started to explore options of perhaps using music as a way of teaching.

Jenny had always been a loveable and kind child, growing up being an only child she loved to surround herself with other children both young and old. During her preparation for exams, she started looking into the teaching profession.

*switch scene*

The group is in preparation for the destruction of JDT, the group ends up with an unexpected ally. Angered by what happened to EB, CSJ decided to help the gang by providing evidence of JDT's involvement to Alex. She was hoping that Logan's family would end up taking revenge on JDT for what he did to their son. Unknown to her that Alex is in contact with OYH and the rest, he passed them this information along.

While discussing whether or not they could trust CSJ, SK heard their conversation. It was then that she was reminded of the blackmail she had over CSJ.

"SK what are you doing here, I thought you said you would be at school practicing more of your art?" SSR asked. "Practice was cut short by the teacher because she had a family emergency, so I came home earlier. But omma, I heard you talking about CSJ is everything alright?"

Now there is no secret kept between mother and daughter especially not when the secret had been revealed between them

*flashback during one of the brainstorm sessions with the gang, OYH decided she could no longer keep the real birth a secret. Having confirmed through the DNA test that indeed SSR and SK were blood-related, she knew both of them deserved to know.

She decided to have a private talk with SSR while the rest were working. She eventually revealed what had happened and that JDT covered up the supposed death of her daughter. SSR was shocked to find out that SK and her were actually related.

OYH encouraged SSR not to keep this a secret for too long, SK deserved to know.

The next day, SSR decided to spend some time with her children. She took them out for a good meal and shopping. Afterwhich, when they arrived home she decided to talk to them. She then revealed that SK and her are indeed related and that Seolah was her twin.

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