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            At your brother and I’s wedding, we had a candle lit for you. Your parents and your sister did the honors. Your sister had us (Emmett, your parents, and I) light a candle for you at her wedding, too. I don’t know why, but it was more emotional at my wedding than at your sister’s. Maybe it was how your mother and sister said a few words about you, maybe it was just the thought of you, but I had tears in my eyes. And then Emmett had happy tears in his eyes when he said his vow, which reminded me of the reason we were here today, and made me tear up with happy tears. When the priest said, “You may kiss the bride”, Emmett kissed me, and wrapped his arms around me in the comforting way he always does when I cry. In the limo on the way to the reception, he asked me why I was crying, if it was because of you or because of the wedding. And I told him the truth, that it was a little of both. He smiled at me and pulled me into a hug, and I kissed him. Unfortunately, it was bad timing on my part, because as soon as my lips touched his, we reached the reception venue, and then someone opened the door for us. "Someone" turned out to be Nick, Elliot, and your parents. I pulled away from you quickly, and Nick said, "Whoa, save it for the honeymoon, lovebirds," and Elliot laughed with him. It probably looked like something it wasn't to them; it was simply a light kiss at a bad time.

        Your sister gave birth to a baby boy just a few months before my wedding, so he was in attendance of the wedding as well. For some reason his birth was very bittersweet for me; looking at him made me think about how you never got a chance to hold your tiny nephew, you never even got to meet him. And he will never know his Uncle Eli.

        At some point during the reception, your mother came up to your brother and I, and said something surprising, "Ellana, I do hope you did this because it's what you wanted for yourself. I would feel awful if you felt forced into this." I thought about the way Emmett was always there throughout your sickness and after you, how he was always ready to hug me when I cried. And how he stayed through college, how he kept his feelings for me a secret until he thought I was ready. I thought about how he always made me laugh, even when I was crying, how his green eyes sparkled, and how his blonde hair fell over his face. I thought about how his laugh is so captivating, and how there was never anyone else who did everything Emmett has done for me. And most importantly, I thought about how bit by bit, little by little, and step by step, he made me fall for him, and was right there waiting to catch me. He was stealing my heart tiny piece by tiny piece, and now he's got all the pieces. So I carefully chose my response, smiled at your mother, and said, "No, no, I want this. Don't feel awful at all. And your son didn't really give me a choice, anyway."

        At that, she said, as if she were reprimanding you, "Now I don't know what Elijah wrote in that letter, but-" I interrupted her, giggled, and said, "I meant that son," and gestured towards your brother. Emmett chuckled a little and wrapped his arms around my waist, and I added, "Your sons have this uncanny ability of making me fall in love with them." And at that your mother beamed and left us to ourselves.

        Emmett and I had our first dance as husband and wife to the song that we danced to in the parking lot at prom, the first time we danced together. Emmett whispered in my ear, "I love you, Mrs Calloway." And I whispered back, "I love you too, Em Em." He wrinkled his nose at the nickname, and playfully cursed you for putting that in the letter. I just laughed at him.

        In that moment, I realized that I did get to be Mrs Calloway, though not in the way anyone expected.

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