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        After homecoming, I couldn't even look at you without my stomach filling with butterflies. I tried so hard to hide the fact that I liked you from everyone, especially you. That's a lot easier said than done. I always felt like something I said or did could give me away. And then in Spanish class, when I had to sit next to you, which made me really nervous, I always felt like I wasn't acting normally around you. Which was confirmed when you asked if I was okay several times. Every time I said "Yeah, I'm fine," and you'd just smile and say "okay".

        I even managed to keep my secret from Christy, but not for long. One day, in November, I was talking to Christy at a football game, and then you walked up to talk to us, but more me than her. You said hi and I said hi back, but I guess I said it kind of quietly and looked really nervous to Christy. You made a joke about the football team, and we all three laughed, but I laughed the hardest. My laugh was more of a giggle, though. You went to go get a snack or something at the concession stand, assuring us that you'd be right back. As soon as you were out of earshot, Christy looked at me and asked me what was wrong with me, and why I was acting so weird. I just shrugged and said nothing and that I wasn't acting weird. Over her shoulder, I could see you, making your way back towards us. I smiled to myself unconsciously, and that's when Christy turned around, and then she looked back at me and said "Oh my gosh. You like him! You like Elijah!" To which I responded "Christy, shut up! He'll hear you!" and then she just grinned at me, as you walked up and sat back down next to me, looking between the two of us before asking, "What happened here while I was gone?" I just looked at you and said, "Oh, nothing, Christy's just being an idiot". You just chuckled at me, and I giggled a little.

        After a while of watching the football game, it got really cold, and I was freezing cold. You just looked at me, and then said, "You can wear my jacket if you want," and I said "No! Then you'll be cold." Christy just wiggled her eyebrows at me. You grinned and said, "We can share my jacket, then," and then you took it off and put it around both of us, so I had to move close to you in order for it to work. Needless to say, I wasn't cold after that.

        And to think I thought there was absolutely no chance that you liked me.

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