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        Your senior prom was in May. Everyone (and by everyone I mean the people at school) seemed surprised that you were still able to go to school, and that you were going to go to prom. Personally, I think they were really just surprised that you were still alive. I think they took the word "cancer" as a death sentence, and they figured it was only a matter of time. But your family, Nick, and I still had hope that you were going to get better, and the cancer was going to go away.

        One day I found a red rose in my locker with a note that said, "Go to the gym, I'll be waiting for you there." So I walked to the gym, the place where I realized that I had a crush on you; the place where you kissed me for the first time. And do you know what I found in the gym?

        Roses in a pattern of colors arranged on the wall to spell out "PROM?" in three foot high letters, that were cleverly placed so that anyone who walked in couldn't help seeing them the second they walked in. And standing near them, I were you, Nick, and your brother. Your brother was holding is phone up, taking a picture, and you were holding a boquet of roses in a variety of colors, and you walked over to me with a big grin on your face, and said, "Will you go to prom with me, Ellana Leigh Jameson?"

        And I just smiled and said, "Of course I will." And then I wrapped my arms around you, and hugged you tightly, and you kissed me. Nick whistled, and your brother said "Ew, okay, that's enough of that."

        You told me that Emmett helped you set it all up, but that it was your idea.

        That was one of the most wonderful things that anyone had ever done for me. Thank you, Eli.


The Chronicles of You ✔Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora