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        We were all convinced that it was the end when February started. You were in the hospital, and you were looking really bad. One night at the beginning of February, when your brother and I got in his car to leave the hospital, I started to cry. It was really the first time I had cried since I found out that you were sick; probably because I thought I was going to lose you at any moment.

        Emmett just walked over to the passenger side of his car, opened the door, and wrapped me in a hug. He started to cry a little too, and then he said, "It's okay, it's okay. He's strong, he can hold on for much longer than this. It's going to turn out okay." I just hugged him back, so tightly that he probably couldn't breathe, without saying a word. And then he started talking about how we were going to stop at Panera's to eat dinner on the way home, because I was always talking about their French onion soup and how much I loved it, and he said he knew it would make me feel a little better.

        Maybe I should have seen it then; maybe that should have made me realize how much attention he was paying to me.

The Chronicles of You ✔Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz