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        The theme of prom that year was "Enchanted Garden", and there were twinkle lights, flowers, and plants everywhere. It looked amazing, considering the tight budget that the planning committee had. You looked pretty sharp too, in your fancy tuxedo, complete with a black bowtie and a pocket handkerchief the same color as my dress. You kept telling me how beautiful I looked the whole ride to the prom, and at first I didn't believe you. And then we walked into the dance and most of the other girls were wearing very fitted, revealing dresses, and they looked very...shall we say, skanky. I however, looked classy, mature, and I guess you could say beautiful.

        We danced to every slow song, and you did ridiculous dances to some obnoxiously loud and annoying songs while I laughed at you. You kissed me like you meant forever, even though we both knew better. And then, as we were dancing, and I was holding you close to me, you whispered something in my ear.

        "I will love you forever, 'Lana."

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