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        My brother's words made me very curious, so the next time I saw you after the talk I had with my brother, I asked you how long you had liked me. And you smiled at me and said, "When I first met you, when you were in seventh grade, I thought you were really pretty. But I didn't actually like you until we did Romeo and Juliet together. After that, I started to have the biggest crush on you; it was too big for my own good. And then I started to wonder if maybe you liked me. You changed when you got to high school, something about your demeanor when I was around you was different. It took me until homecoming to come to the conclusion that you liked me, too. I didn't even believe it until you let me kiss you." When you finished talking, I smiled at you and kissed you, and you smiled back at me and said, "And now, I believe that I love you, Ellana Jameson."

        I just smiled at you, and with butterflies in my stomach, I said, "I love you too, Elijah Calloway."

        That was the first time we said those three words to each other, and I will never forget it for as long as I live.

        Though it's been years, I can still hear you saying them. When I told you I love you, I meant it, Elijah. I still mean it, even though I know I shouldn't.

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