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        The day after you asked me to be your girlfriend, I was sitting at home, texting you and reading a book on the living room couch. Every so often I would smile unconsciously at my phone, and at some point Andrew walked into the room. A few minutes after he came and turned on the TV, he looked at me and out of nowhere said, "Alright, I can't take it anymore. I have some things to talk to you about." When I just looked at him, he continued, "For one thing you keep smiling at your phone and I think I know who you're texting. And another thing...I heard this crazy rumor that you and Elijah Calloway are dating?"

        I just froze, and looked at him without saying a word for a long few moments, and finally said, "Who told you that...? And if I say that it's true are you going to murder him?" And my brother laughed and said, "I'm not going to murder him, he's a good guy. And also, you don't need to confirm it for me because Elijah is the one who told me. Like I said, he's a good guy. I think he'll be good to you." I just looked at him again, and said, "Okay..."

        Not long after that, he started to walk out of the room, but not before saying, "Oh, and by the way, Ella, I've known that he's had a crush on you for two years."

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