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        Pretty soon it was summer, so school didn't matter. At least once a week, I would go to the hospital to see you, usually with Emmett as my ride. Some days my brother went, some days I drove myself, but usually Emmett drove me. He insisted he didn't think I should make the drive alone. I think he really just needed someone to share the ninety minutes to see you and the ninety minutes home with. And I was glad to have some company, because it was nice to have someone who understood everything to share those car rides with.

        While the quality of your brother's driving was sometimes questionable, he was fun to be in the car with. We would both be laughing a lot, listening to the radio and making fun of some songs, telling jokes, and talking about people at school we disliked. Those car rides were a nice way to forget about everything.

        You came home a few times during the summer, so we got to go out like a normal couple on the weekends and hang out together like most teenagers do over the summer. It was a really amazing summer. Mostly because I had you.

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