Chapter 1: The New Neighbor

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A/N: Hello, it is I, future author. I didn't realize that this fanfic would get this much attention so thank you for that lol. I'm currently editing and improving the story, so excuse the minor changes. Anyway hope you all enjoy <3

Gaege's (Juicy's) POV (Present time)
My heart raced as I continued to run, not daring to look back. Tears filled my hazel eyes, and I wiped them away with the back of my sleeve.

I stumbled over my feet as I hurried somewhere, anywhere, that was safe. Fear and confusion bubbled in my chest, but I couldn't think about it now. How could Eddie have done this to me? Why would he even agree to do something like that?

"Juicy!" He yelled desperately after me, "Wait!" His voice vanished in the howling wind. My faith in him was shattered in the night.

It was a lie. I knew he was lying. He had to be.

Buckets of rain were pouring down on me, soaking my messy hair. The freezing water seeped into my jeans, clinging onto me and dragging me down. Thunder and lightning struck in the distance, and the only thing giving me light was the street lamps that lit up my terrified expression. Even in the dark of the night, my tear-stained cheeks were noticeable.

My legs were burning and I couldn't stop the waterfall of hot tears falling from my eyes. My heart screamed for some sort of truth. After all this time, why did I even trust Eddie? How could he do this to me? His voice was calling and screaming at me to look back, but I didn't. I couldn't trust him. Not after what he'd just done.

I suddenly saw a black van swerve in front of me, almost knocking me off my feet. I realized that the driver was staring straight into my soul, and I knew I was in trouble. A horrible gut feeling churned in my stomach, almost enough to make me sick. My utter confusion quickly diminished as a hand clamped over my mouth. I screamed when someone grabbed me from behind, struggling to fight my way out.

"You're coming with us," A cold voice said to me, his hand tightening over my mouth until his knuckles were white, muffling my cry for help. I struggled in a massive fury of panic like a wild animal in a cage.

A hard, metal object knocked into the side of my head before I could break free. Everything went dark as my body slammed into the cold asphalt street. A single tear poured from the corner of my eye as a foggy haze forced my eyes shut.

Gaege's (Juicy's) POV (3 weeks earlier)
"That's going to be it today chat!" I smiled at the camera as I added, "Thank you so much for tuning in today guys, but I'm absolutely cooked dude." The chat was filled with hearts and goodbye from the fans, and I grinned even wider. "Love you guys, bye!!" I yelled, hitting the stop button on my computer.

The live stream ended, and I sighed happily. My brain was absolutely fried, but I couldn't be any more grateful for my fans. It was an awesome live stream, and a great start to my day.

I looked at my clock, reading 10am in the morning. I still had to record with the boys later, but I wanted to buy an energy drink from the gas station close to my apartment. Besides, I was going to need a few of them to make it through the recordings, right?

I changed into some comfortable clothes and grabbed my car keys, saying goodbye to the fluffy, orange cat, Momo, who lazily lied on the carpet, on the way out. As I was closing my apartment door, I noticed several boxes outside the next-door neighbor's room.

"Huh, looks like somebody is moving in..." I said to myself as I shoved my keys into my pocket. "No one mentioned anything about a new neighbor." I quietly moved past the boxes and peeked my head in, realizing that there were two people in the bedroom. A married couple, maybe?

"Well, we could set up the couch on this side of the room, that way it will make room for the TV here."
I heard a voice come from inside the room, ducking slightly when a man entered the empty living room.
He pointed a finger at a certain spot before speaking to his friend again. "Yeah, then we can put the dining table here."

My eyebrows perked up at the beautiful and thick Mexican accent in his words when he spoke. Another voice, a female's and much lighter than his own, answered in response, "Okay, why don't we carry in the rest of the boxes outside?"

Their footsteps were approaching me, and I quickly pretended to be locking my apartment door. "Oh, you must be my new neighbor!" I then heard the man with the Mexican accent say beside me, "Nice to meet you."

I turned in his direction, seeing his hand extended to shake mine. He had dark hair and chocolate eyes, and his skin was a light tan. I had to look up at him to see him as I answered with a smile, "Nice to meet you! I'm Gaege."

My new neighbor adjusted the red bandana wrapped around his head. "I'm Eduardo, but you can call me Eddie. This is my best friend, Gabby." The woman from earlier stepped out of the room beside him, throwing her blue hair over her shoulder. She smiled at me, her hair making her pretty blue eyes stand out.

"Pleasure to meet you," She shook my hand, her grip firm and steady against mine. "Sorry, I didn't see you before. I was helping Eddie get all these boxes inside."

She glanced at the piles of boxes behind her, sighing as she out a hand on her hip. "I had no idea you had this much stuff in your old apartment, Eddie."

"Me either." Eddie chuckled, his white teeth shining as he smiled. "My old house was much bigger than this apartment but you know... have to manage with what you got."

"I can help if you want," I offered, rubbing the back of neck with a shy smile. "I'm supposed to meet up with a few of my friends later, but I have enough spare time to help you all."

"Oh, no you don't have to-" Eddie began, but I shook my head.

"It's alright. Really. Besides, I want to make my new neighbor feel at home," I responded. His face grew relieved at my comment, and he slumped his shoulder with a sigh. "Well, thank you so much. You have no idea how much that helps me."

His eyes seemed to be more drained than before, almost as if he had aged thirty years. My gaze couldn't help but trail to the dark bags under his eyes. I didn't ask him what was wrong, however, especially since we just met.

Although as I began helping them and carrying the rest of the boxes into the apartment, I knew we were going to get along well.

A/N: First chapter of my new book complete :) I'll be updating again soon so stick around if you like it... Anyway, have a good day

Mind Games (Eddievr x Juicy Fanfic)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora