Start from the beginning

"If you aren't busy I would like to rack your mind about a few things actually." This woman truly was the most soft spoken and kind-hearted person. She was an incredible boss. She let me do as I pleased. She never second guessed me. It felt good to have someone like that.

"Not busy at all. Was just hanging out on the couch with my boyfriend and our friends. I could use a break from the world of men. I need myself a girlfriend. I swear these boys are so annoying sometimes." I sigh as I take a seat at the dining table. There's no need to stand when I've got a lovely seat waiting to be sat in before me.

"I understand that one." My old boss lets out a laugh before she gets me caught up on everything that's happened since my departure. The entire store is getting a reset. It's a project that started when I was there. I actually planned most of it.

The store was supposed to send someone out to help. But if you know anything about corporations, they all fucking blow and are absolutely worthless. They want you to do something and then do absolutely nothing to help you. You're stuck dangling from a fraying thread.

Our company ended up sending out an email telling us what they expect with no other direction. It was up to me to figure out all out. They wanted all the aisles stripped completely and moved and reset for 'better flow'. It was time staking process that I was trying to make sense of.

I spent hours with a plan-o-gram sprawled out on the desk trying to figure out what to put where. Trying to figure out what made since and what didn't. I was doing the job that someone else is getting paid way more money to do. But instead I was doing it. And I can guarantee I was definitely doing it better than them.

I enjoyed this type of stuff organizing and sorting things out. It's why I worked retail up until moving in with Clay. I loved doing resets and making things look nice. There has always been something so refreshing and satisfying about it.

Watching the way something can go from absolute chaos to a precise detailed view in the matter of hours filled me with a gratification so pure that I don't think I've ever felt anything like it. Not even any moment shared with Clay could compare.

Sometimes I wish I could have that same feeling in the life I shared with Clay. The life where things were just normal. Sometimes I wish I could somehow put this skill to work in my life with him. To help him in someway. Whatever way that may be.

"Do you think that you could mock up some plan-o-grams on the computer to send over? I suck at trying to figure all this shit out. We can't start the reset until all the grams are done and I can't see the vision like you can. If the DM shows up and this reset isn't started I'm pretty sure I'm fired at this point." My old boss laughs before she lets out a heavy sigh.

There is no way that the district manager would ever fire her. She is great at her job she just doesn't have the vison to plan things. I planned everything. I made detail lists of what needed to be done. She was the machine, I was the brains. It's how it worked.

"I have no problem with that at all. It will give me something to do. I've been trapped in this house for too long. I need to get out. I can't leave with the boys because of that issue I told you about when you hired me. So I'm trapped in this house constantly and I can only look at white walls for so long." I let out a little chuckle as I pick at something stuck on the table.

"That's got to be miserable."

"Oh trust me. I'm living in misery." I groan.

"Wow I didn't know my house was so miserable for you." Clay says dead-toned as he accompanies me at the dining table. His body hits the chair next to me with a thud. "Sometimes I forget that a free place to stay is just so miserable."

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