"It's been a while, Natsu..." She says softly, hugging... more like crushing Natsu against her armor breastplate.

"Y-Yeah! As I said, don't kill me just yet!!" Natsu says, trying to get out of Erza's grip. He was in pain but was laughing out of joy.

Erza smiles and let's him go. He almost fell back on the ground. Wendy slowly walks towards him.

"Heyo fireball! My hands have been itching for a few days now!" Gray yells before Wendy could complete her greeting.

Wendy smiles awkwardly and then tries again,

"It's really Natsu!!" Happy yells flying towards Natsu.

Wendy smiles again and then tries once more.

"Hello Natsu-San." This time, unexpectedly, she was able to complete? But anyways, it didn't matter because Natsu was busy fighting with Gray.

All she could do was another awkward smile. Carla looks at her and then sighs, "You are so hopeless, child."

"Not you too, Charle..." Wendy sighs.

Erza, Happy, Wendy and Carla, all watch Natsu and Gray beat each other to a pulp. It was nostalgic at least go two of them. Their smile grew bigger and bigger as the fight stretched long.

Once both of them fall down from the exhaustion, Erza steps forward and claps her hands, "Enough. Don't go fighting anywhere else other than guild hall."

"You were enjoying it too, weren't you?" Happy whispers, trying not to laugh. Erza looks at the little cat with threatening eyes, "Are you suggesting I was in favor of this violence?"

"Cats have short memories." Happy cuts out and walks away from her, not wanting to get kicked like a ball.

"I won this one, icy pants..." Natsu says, standing up through the support of the tree.

"Say that again..." Gray replies, standing up with the support of the tree too. Both of them were barely able to stand up but were ready for another set.

"Ho oh? Wanna go at it again?" Natsu grins lighting up his fists. Gray grins back taking the maker magic stance.

"Let's see what you are made-"

"DIDN'T YOU HEAR WHAT I SAID A WHILE AGO?" Erza yells, losing her patience. It was unusual enough for her to hold it this far. Normally, she would have stopped the fight in it's initial phase.

The air felt heavier from the magical power of Erza. Her hair started to levitate as a red magic circle formed above her.

"AYE SIR!" Natsu and Gray yell together, hugging each other with the fear of being killed at any moment. This is how you achieve peace with just one command.

"That's better." She says, calming down. The magic power suddenly died.

Natsu and Gray push each other in disgust as soon as Erza calms down.

"I would have won if it wasn't for Erza." Natsu curses slowly.

"You want to say something, Natsu?" Erza asks walking towards Natsu.

Natsu shook his head in fear.

"Good. Then answer me this, where have you been all this time?" Erza asks to Natsu. Gray rubs his neck and stands beside Natsu. Wendy and the exceeds stood behind Erza.

Natsu didn't knew just for how much time he had been in that lacrima. He couldn't think of anything so he said, "At Lucy's place."

Of course it was a unsatisfying answer for being missing without any word. But under the current circumstances, this fact was overlooked by everyone, because something more concerning was brought up by Carla.

Fairytail: The Legend Of The SpiritsDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora