4. Chinese Mozart

Start from the beginning

The director yells, "Cut! Good acting! Next one!"

Jeff got his make up retouched before begins the next act.

The role is like custom tailored for him. He lived as an eunuch for years. Acting as one is a walk in a park.

The director roars when his assistant reports the body doubles has failed to come. He has been reassigned to another film.

"Everyone is looking down at me!"

The director kept on cursing fluently like a bloody pirate.

Jeff asks the director assistant, "What happened?"

"We are using body doubles for the prince. One for calligraphy. The other one for archery. They... Didn't come..."

"Archery and calligraphy? I could do that."

"Really? Here, take this bow. Try to shoot that target."

Jeff holds the bow and shoots an arrow. He misses it.

The assistant looks disappointed. Another one with big mouth. He is going to grab the bow back from Jeff.

Jeff protests, "Wait. Give me another chance. It has been a while since I last shoot an arrow."

He closes his eyes and inhales a deep breath. The annoying prince always dragged him to shooting range. They could practice archery for hours.

Jeff opens his eyes and shoots the bow. It strikes the center of the target.

The assistant asks sceptically, "Could you shoot moving targets?"

"Sure. Just let me practice first."

"Okay. Show me your calligraphy skills."

They go to ancient style table.

Jeff grinds the ink and dips his brush. He writes Ju Xiang Ruo Yi neatly. It's blessing words used in Spring festival.

The assistant gives him some words to write. They are more difficult ones because they have to use ancient style calligraphy.

It's a good thing he learned calligraphy with the prince in book world.

The assistant claps his hands. Their problems solved.

Jeff smiles too. Acting as body doubles meant more money for their dying company.

He changes his eunuch clothes into a prince costume. As a body double, they will only shoot his hands and body. Not the face.

Jeff looks honorable and charming in the white robe. Like a true prince.

His agent takes a pic after the shooting is over. For future collection. His star started low in his career. As an extra, small supporting role and a body double.

For the next few days, Jeff got busy working as replacement for other actors. No other choice. He has to do it. Their company can't afford to pay the fines.

He could sent trainees to work as extras. He replaced other actors in cannon fodder roles or villain ones.

It's their last shooting scene. It's finally ended.

The assistant director is pulling his hair right now. They are still missing three extras. Those hooligans have skipped work.

Jeff and his agent are leaving when he notices the problem.

Jeff asks, "What's wrong?"

"The locals skipped work again. We are missing three persons for the next scene."

Their shooting site is quite far from any human settlement. It's hard to find replacements.

Jeff asks, "Jerome, this is your chance. How do you feel to act in a movie?"


The assistant director smiles weakly.

He comments, "Now I only need to find one more..."

Jeff points to him.

He asks, "Assistant Liu, it's your debut time too."

The assistant scratches his head. It's true. His role isn't much during shooting a scene.

Unlike others who control lighting and camera, he only stands next to the director.

So they change into their costumes and got their make ups. The assistant, Jerome and Jeff lie stiffly on the muddy ground. As corpses in a battlefield.

The scenes got few NGs so they have to lie still under the scorching summer sun for two hours.

Finally the shooting was over.

Jeff says, "Don't forget to add the extras wages into our payment."

"Sure. I won't forget. Thanks for the hard work," replies the assistant director happily.

Jerome and Jeff have left in a Nanny car.

The agent also acts as a driver.

He complaints, "Lying as a corpse is bad luck. Don't do it again next time."

"Don't be so full of superstitious. Mosquitoe meat is still meat."

Money from extras might be small. Any dime would be worthed if it could prolonged his uncle's life.

He got money as a small supporting actor, as body doubles and extras.

It has been a long tiresome day.

Jeff falls asleep in the car. Dreaming about money.

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