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"Chaeyoung-ah, girls your age are busy with their studies, making friends, and living the most of their lives but why are you here stuck in your room while watching these boys perform all day?" Eomma ranted like every normal day.

I pouted as I hug my exo light stick. "I am living the most of my life too Eomma."

I don't see the need to compare me to other teenagers my age. We have different lives, different perspectives, and different goals in life. We are all different people so why compare when we are all born different in the first place?

Eomma heave a deep breath. "What good will these boys bring you anyway?! It's not as if one of them will miraculously fall for you someday."

Ouch. I pouted more because of that. It's not like I am delusional! I know no one of them would even notice me.. but a girl could dream you know!

A girl like me could dream and wished even just a glance.. even just for Chanyeol Oppa to know my mere existence. That his number 1 fan exist in me.

Park Chanyeol of exo was just a dream that I once knew.

I am always used to watching and admiring him with his members from afar. I am contented as I cheer for him with all my heart.

Never in my life that I ever think that a dream of being noticed by him would come true. I always imagine what it would feel like to be close to him, to be atleast be considered as a friend to him.. and it came true.

It all came true.. to the point that I fell harder as I got closer to him. I fell and I wished of him feeling the same way.

Again, it came true.

Everything seems to be going smoothly in my life. I am an idol being loved by many. I living the dream that I once have, being able to perform with my members.. having a millions of blinks who love me. And most specially, Chanyeol Oppa, my Yoda loving me as much as I love him.

Not until that faithful day when everything that I have crumpled down into pieces.

Yes, everything.

Because Chanyeol Oppa is my everything.

My love of music and performing is fueled because I am inspired by him. I became the Rosé of Blackpink because he motivates me to be able to become a better person each day.. without even knowing it.

Park Chaeyoung love Park Chanyeol of exo so much.. to the point that Park Rosé of Blackpink still loves Park Chanyeol for who he is and not just as a fan who loves her idol. I have wake up one day that I know I love him as a woman loving a man..

I love him so much.  To the point that even if my mind forgets.. my heart still remembers him. My heart never fails to beat for him.

I slowly open my eyes only to close it again because of the blinding light. I felt someone move and I felt a hand on my arm.

"Rosé.." it was Jisoo Unnie's voice.

I half open my eyes and saw her face reflecting of worry. I gave her a small smile to reassure her that I am fine.

"We are so worried about you. You collapsed!" She said as she helped me to sit down. "Are you okay? Is your head still aching?"

I shook my head and look around. It seems like Jisoo Unnie is in charge of waiting for me to wake up. I pouted when I saw no sign of a certain giant anywhere.

He's not going to push me away again right? It's not his fault that I faint.. and it's never his fault.

I never blamed Chanyeol Oppa for all the things that has happened to me because I know.. he doesn't want that to happen either.

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