71-Event Horizon

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The three girls got their chance to recompose themselves, then began their preparations for their newest objective. Considering that all three girls knew how easy it was to get lost in that maze, they each prepared for it to be a very long journey.

"Hey, sis, packing to go somewhere? You wouldn't be trying to resolve everything on your own, would you? Gosh, I think Jhez is available, you could..." "I'm not bringing him, sorry. This won't be some simple date or anything, and I'm going to need him here to keep things in order. After all, you.. my dear sister.. are very good at getting distracted from your work. He's possibly my only hope at making sure you actually contribute around here. I'm seriously counting on you guys getting this place up and running before I return, and a quick look here around shows that such is going to be quite the tall order." "Ah, this place is junk anyway, the citadel would be more fun." "Ezhyrae's reputation would take a hit if she lost a place like this, especially to lazy hands. That in turn would really work against the academy's standing, something we've been working so hard for. As such, if you were found at fault for this.. why.. the academy would be in their rights to ask for due compensation, and let me tell you I wouldn't feel like lending you support for letting my friend down. As a result, just think of all the after-class community support you would be signed up for.. instead of all the parties you keep going to. Why, it's almost too tragic to think about." Xwyhr grumbled as she ran off, feeling generally outmaneuvered by Axln. Lyun caught the grumbling Xwyhr pass by as she entered, generally perplexed at how the girl had been so skillfully told off.

"I feel like I'm losing my touch, pretty much everyone knows I'm going off to do something." "Was it really supposed to be that much of a secret?" "No, but I got used to people not knowing anyway." "That probably just means you're opening up to others more, that's all. It's a good thing, really." "Yeah, but this place is still a wreck and I already feel guilty having to drag you away from it. You're probably the best instrumentation expert I know." "Well, I'm not exactly against the idea of going out to get other stuff done either. Remember, I might be good at this stuff, but it isn't exactly my passion. However, exploring stuff, I believe that was one of your passions, and you did say I'm the only one with half an idea on what we're even looking for. A proper balance of all this stuff is important, and helping you here is probably a great use of my time." "Passions, huh? Well, if I find any creative project here for an aspiring arts student, I'll let you know. I'm supposed to become a teacher someday, so it would suck to not think of the students too." "Yeah, you're not exactly going into my field, so you shouldn't worry about that. However, if you're going to teach history, you might as well make history first, right? Besides, on another angle, I have to think of you as the employee of my family's company, one I'm going to apparently have plenty of management responsibilities in." "Maybe at head office, but Drew is still going to be the one my field office would report to. So.. I believe it is best to say that you're not exactly going into my.. field?" "Ha, ha, very funny." Axln still understood that the base idea was that she couldn't put any expectations on Lyun, the girl would apply her own responsibilities as she saw fit. If Axln needed help, Lyun understood her options and had still decided to go with Axln. Such was entirely Lyun's choice, that was the end of the matter.

"Okay, I got my coat." "I swear, that thing seems to never be about keeping warm and instead seems to be a weapon's rack." "Well, I guess you aren't completely wrong, though it does offer a lot of protection too." "Why though? We aren't expecting any trouble." "Because Luna isn't around, and I know that place has a built-in defense network that almost seems to have a mind of its own. That secret home has remained secret all this time for a good reason, because the place is really good at keeping people from it. You are, again, trying to defy the laws of chance, so I really don't think it's in our best interest to simply assume that we're going to get lucky here. Just because you were fine every other time does not mean you're going to be fine this time." Mheridz had a point which Axln could admit to despising. This world resorted to chance far too frequently, and the risks here were far too great for them to not be prepared to get unlucky. However, at this point, both Axln and Lyun realized that they had lost track of where they had most recently placed their own weapons. In such consideration though, did that even matter? In all considerations, their chaos-infused gift augmented by their power gear alone supplied them with a superior form of power. Lyun even realized just how far that idea took her, as she had always originally depended on instruments for everything.. not her gift. Even her crimsonian wings were superior to what her instruments offered in that area. Axln, meanwhile, Axln was even more remarkable, especially with a gift that could probably just hack any of the defenses that got in their way. Instruments were nothing compared to the prowess they possessed.

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