53-Mixed Parties

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Preparations for the planned performance lasted for no short period of time. After two Aestean moons, a complete calendar month, a new Ruixsi season began.

Axln wasn't even certain what the point was of tracking such seasons, there was still no actual sign of anything changing. Quite simply, it just felt like they were having a holiday for the sake of having a holiday. Aestus might have more dramatically held no impact between cold and cold.. but the current void phase of Ruixsi ensured that the elements were still too weak to demonstrate any real change either. Supposedly though, that would change eventually.. once Taeqhyx came around once again to ensure the elements flourished. Of course, that would depend on chaos having not claimed conquest before that occured. This did mean they didn't have forever with which to just wait.. but there was certainly no reason to hurry. This might be why she was actually open for once to the idea of actually attending one of the student's parties. In fact, more than attending, she was actually scheduled to be their mixer. Now, after all this time, she still wasn't anything amazing. Figuring out creative mixes was still something she remained really bad at. Where she excelled was how much the entire process had her remember complete songs at will. She could then prepare any song with any previous arrangement she had already memorized. That's no small thing either, considering how many parties she had been to.. how many songs she had witnessed. She could almost pretend to be a professional simply with consideration in how many variations she's memorized.. how many thousand.

Her work had also continued on the other side, with Sophie introducing her to an almost equal count of songs in turn. Holi was pretty much acquiring the things wholesale.. and not even at cost. Then there were also all the professional DJ configurations on everything.. also not exactly acquired with consent. At one point though, she had the entire synth structure for every song memorized that she didn't even need such songs anymore. Her memorization was so skilled, she was able to go to Ruixse and recreate the songs there as just another song stored into the little instrument. That's actually going to be part of the party too, playing a bunch of songs that honestly might as well be flagged as Terran Mythos and getting even that done right from outright memorization. It was how she looked fresh, she could easily pull 10 songs no one had ever heard of and actually present them correctly. Cross-culture transitions were possibly the hardest part, but at least she wasn't that bad with the creativity required there. That helped too, because she had also done the same thing in reverse for Aestus. Jacking into the equipment, recreating the same complete sequence, suddenly there's another Ruixsi song on Aestus. She even eventually removed all records of the originals she had illicitly acquired.. though her ability to reproduce everything anyway made that a rather mute point.

Rosa meanwhile felt like she knew four different ways of speaking. Ruixsi speaking, Aestean speaking, Ruixsi singing, and Aestean singing. Of course, she was not only equally good at the first two, she was actually equally remarkable at the second two. She'd invested considerable effort into rediscovering whatever singing voice she had supposedly just forgotten, and then had matched her progress in the other world. Suffice it to say that she had already become quite popular in the academy, especially in the creative culture field. That's generally what was considered the fine arts over in Ruixse.. almost the same thing. Even in areas she wasn't any good at, the students there loved when she showed up, inviting her to even build an ambience with which everyone else could work within. The absolute demands on her voice had been rough, quite honestly even with both worlds, but she had really gotten skilled at singing for long periods of time. To her, professional singing wasn't any harder than talking at that point. It really was simply the four ways she could speak.

Of course, such was not the only accomplishment she had gained through all of her efforts. At the same time, she had attained considerable skill in handling musical instruments with her hands. Much more than just the originally projected single instrument, she had shown a lot of skill in a large variety of them. She did have a lot of problems handling some of the larger instruments, and she didn't exactly enjoy instruments she struggled to sing while playing, but there were few other exceptions to her musical abilities. She did really love the piano, but found it a bit unwieldy to work with. Bowing and plucking instruments were really fun too, but mostly the more mobile ones. One of the Aestean instruments she found was of a model said to have derived from a couple of things once called a keytar.. which was supposedly like taking a guitar and giving it a mini piano or something.. and a collegno.. which was a violin that worked the same way as a piano. The entire concept of such an elegant piano inspired her so much that she even created a Ruixsi version of the same thing that was an actual instrument. Once complete, she made sure to give it a proper Terran Mythos name by sharing the same name as the original, a Kellegno. It was practically played like a harp, looked related to a violin, and worked like a piano, absolutely perfect for her.

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