26-Time Management

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Axln was locked in a frame of pure white, a scene that faded quickly after. To her surprise, she fell off her bed and collapsed to the floor.

Axln was muddled in her consideration of the whole scene, as if she might have awakened from a bad dream. Checking her timepiece, she found the time was 24:73e. She then pulled out her cell, noticing that a call from Xwyhr had just recently ended. She very obviously had not just fallen asleep. Getting up again, she stumbled a bit, her leg not responding as well as it should have. Checking it out, she noticed that her leg was slightly pale. Adjusting her circlet, she found that there were trace elements of void.. right around where she had taken that injury. Rushing over to Lyun, she found the girl in a fairly deep sleep, also with a lot of internalized void, but herself gradually recovering in her current circumstances. It was as if everything had both actually happened and .. had yet to happen at all. Clearly, she needed to talk to someone, especially considering how much her ignorance of the elements was haunting her. It may have really been foolish to ignore such principles, something as foolish as if she was Kori and ignoring principles of science in everyday life. Considering this critically, she made her way to the observatory, finding her sister there relaxing as she watched the stars.

"Oh, hey Axln, didn't expect you would come to a place like this. What brings you here anyway." "Oh, I.. just thought you might be here." "Weird, I came here on a whim, no idea how you might have predicted that." "I guess you could have just called it a feeling of my own. Sorry, I was feeling pretty bad for harping on you about your studying, especially considering how my own have been going. Pretty sure, if I had to deal with a sudden test of my own knowledge of the elements, it would be a disaster. I mean, I've been getting some pretty good lessons about it.. but I probably haven't been putting as much into that sort of thing as maybe I should have." "Ha! You know.. Yhzia didn't like to study things like instrumentation or elements either. It's a wonder she somehow became friends with someone like Lyun, who was like all about instruments. Once though, I heard Yhzia had apologies to Lyun about it, some sort of scene where she pretty much had to throw Lyun in for her cause she didn't know enough about it. Yhzia told me she felt horrible for using Lyun like that. Something about sort of following along with all the work Lyun was doing, but that she probably wasn't putting enough into that sort of thing as she should have." Xwyhr was probably trying to help Axln feel better, but honestly it reminded Axln about what her decisions were actually doing. Of course, in much the same way, neglecting such things simply made for more work for Lyun to do. Such was why Lyun had to try and save her.. and then failed.

The two opened a bit of conversation on the elements, though it wasn't exactly a practical conversation, and it was rather long winded. Xwyhr had some minor fascination with the elements, but most in some of what had inspired her current studies. One day, after an evaluation of their gift, they had discovered that the whole family had a neat devotion to the same element, in matters of stone. She herself happened to be good with rocks, and it so happened that rocks even fascinated her. However, the stones of the world were mostly ashen, so she turned her attention to other worlds that might have stones she had never seen. She had hoped to grow up to be a cosmic explorer, so that she might get to witness other worlds. Yhzia herself had a gift that focused strongly on metals, which had then built her infatuation with the mythos and all of the indepth usage of metals that were promoted there. Their parents were already both explorers, having gone quite the distance in the process to different corners of the world. Actually, her mother was supposedly currently on one of the two moons while her father was off in a crystal factory. He himself had a gift for crystals, but his wife was actually more attuned to wind. As a family, they had always considered their mother an honorary member of the stone, her heart was in the right place. The saying was, they got their element from their father and their desire to travel from their mother. It made Xwyhr really proud to learn that it appeared Axln herself was attuned to sand, there was an instrument handy there which identified things like that. To her, it made Axln yet another complete member of the family.

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