19-Long Night

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The two girls finally reached the aerospace terminal, feeling prepared to deal with what they had come to do. Everything certainly was going to remain fairly simple from here, there was nothing to worry about.

Of course, first Kori and Rosa would have to deal with a sizable problem. The terminal itself was bustling with people. Kori was again back in the seat of being in a transit center as a conduit once again, which brought with it the usual typical concerns. She could feel the glares all around her, people wishing she wouldn't get in her way. Certainly, she had no inclination to get in anyone's way, as long as they minded their own. Making their way eventually towards the main lobby, the two of them fell into a bit of a small scene. There, they found a conduit woman being picked on by a couple of humans, a woman with a HT emblem on her uniform. It wasn't her problem, Kori just kept going, not wanting to make a scene when they already had some fairly significant responsibilities. It should be okay, Kori had been in those shoes frequently, the woman would be fine. They were all used to this.

"Oww, my arm, that's too tight." "Bitch, you have no right to complain. You're just some lowly trash of an air head. Even worse, you're also one of those jerks from HyperTech. Isn't that why flights are all so delayed? So I'm sitting here waiting for a flight because you can't do your work? This is why airheads like you need to get out of the tech business, you're making things worse for all of us. HyperTech is just a nobody business compared to a governmental organization like Aerotech, especially having airheads like you around trying to get stuff done. If you can't get things done the way they are supposed to be done, then stop wasting everyone's time." The woman was thrown across the hall once again violently, to again be lifted to her feet suddenly by her arm. This was incredibly violent, and was starting to make a scene. The claims that such a conduit was to blame for everyone's wait times certainly wasn't making anything better, this could honestly turn into a full on riot. Kori herself wasn't taking things very well, feeling such shoes even more keenly, also being in the tech industry. Even so, stepping in would only make things worse then, right?

Kori felt Rosa stop, inspiring her to glance at Rosa as she almost felt the heat of Rosa's fury from where she stood. Rosa was also not taking things kindly, having seen how the humans here treat such poor conduits. Elves had earned proper treatment from humans, but here it remained denied. She had personally seen Rosa attacked repeatedly as a result, a thing that also remained exceptionally troubling for her. But the thing that struck the biggest nerve was hearing someone claim that little businesses need to get out of the way of bigger companies. She had herself personally suffered in such beliefs, it was a problem her world had taken to extremes, a lesson this world should not take an example of. Her attempts to get work done were thus fruitless, herself unable to do anything. Even the academy was starting to suffer under such strong beliefs. Her world has made countless mistakes, but in turn tries to learn the proper way from the mythos. In turn, this world makes their own mistakes, and remains oblivious to the consequences her own had already endured. It was too much for her, she needed to do something. They were already here suffering because of the foundry, she had no patience for more of the same in this world too. Her only reservation was memories about what happened the last time she got into such a conflict.. and her arm was unleashed. That was the only thing she could not afford to do. It especially sucked, because her own marked arm was her dominant hand. This was thus leaving her especially torn. Quickly though, it wasn't becoming a question of if she should act, it was only a matter of how.

Kori saw where this was going in turn. It was all too obvious, if she didn't step in, Rosa would instead. This was not Rosa's problem, Kori would have to deal with it first. Kori was already tired of Rosa beating her in the race of exchanges they had held before, and as is, Rosa had now stood up for Kori twice. This time, it would be her turn to step in instead. Kori thus stepped forward and grasped the human's arm with her own right hand, a glare of indignification stemming from her. This was unheard of, conduits haven't stood up for themselves like this for generations, and even Kori was getting the feeling that she might have gotten a bit too used to her blood on the other side. Being treated as an equal so much had left quite the impact on her. The guy then dropped his previous victim and turned on her first, intent on showing her the error of her ways. In that moment, she saw a familiar flow of green hair appear and vanish into the crowd, a holo display forming upon her glasses. 'Augmenting holo kinetic factor.' The guy then abruptly came down hard on her right arm with a pull and elbow drop, a move which would have certainly broken bones.. if she had any there. Instead, on impact, the arm rippled with a slight luminescence, the impact with the floor leaving a massive indent. When the guy's arm itself came down on it, the crunch was not from her own arm.

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