47-Chronological Intersection

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Kori took account of her circumstances, going over all of the options still available to her. Her situation was bleak, but it wasn't as if she couldn't do anything.

She already had two very obvious escape routes, although both of them would involve giving up on the final box. First, she could go back in time and revise her trip so that she only took what she needed in the time she would have before getting caught. Of course, the problem there would be in predicting what else might go wrong if she went back in time, let alone the growing pretense of guilt she would feel about giving up on a timeline like that. The other solution would be to simply switch to the other side, which would not only leave the box there at the expense of HT.. it would also leave her at the mercy of whatever predictions waited for her on that side too. Running just left far too much uncertainty.. uncertainty she was starting to feel in growing quantities, such as with worries if everything was alright. Ah, that would be Rosa, being concerned because of the whole time stop thing.. a measure that Kori had needed to avoid aerospace security while trying to recover the supplies Sophie was trying to get shipped in. Rosa had apparently gotten Holi's message too, but hadn't been aware that things would involve aerospace security. Of course, things had gotten much worse than that.

"So, now would be a good time to just surrender, at least one way or another. I mean, if you're going to use your time stuff anyway, might as well just hand that over so that we could make some proper use of it." "Timestopping is one thing, but I think I'm good on this timeline, thanks." "Well, then I might recommend the other way of surrendering then, as things are about to get a whole lot worse for you. Trespassing is going to come with some hefty punishments, and this time I'll be able to have you detained without having to worry about taking care of everything on my own. Aerospace security has you surrounded, and I can at least make sure you're not going anywhere while time is frozen. None of your other quirks work very well in this state anyway." Velvet was obviously the key here in making sure Kori couldn't just walk away in a timestopped state. Wait, Velvet was there too? Yes, unfortunately Velvet had apparently managed to outwit Kori again, leaving her effectively pinned in the instance of time. Additionally, having pooled thoughts was unfortunately just making it harder for Kori to actually figure out how to deal with the situation, so Rosa would have to go for now. Apparently, Rosa would be using the same suspended opportunity to ponder her own ideas, but was willing to do so without pooling thoughts anymore.

"Being so prepared, I'm guessing this wasn't new to your future." "I was well aware that Rosa was going to innovate lightspeed technology, though it's surprising she pulled it off this quickly. Such would be the reason you managed to escape with what I can assume would have been at least one or two of your packages already." "True, I guess that works in your favour, we won't need to borrow any more of your trashy bikes anymore. Actually, wait, you probably brought one here, maybe I should borrow it." "Don't be a fool, you know such things are beyond your grasp right now. If your plans are to have nanites hijack it, you'll find that the area is currently shielded against nanites. If your plans are to hijack anything either for yourself, you'll find that there are currently no active connections available, even if you had Holi's help. Your technology is sealed from you right now." Kori was starting to feel ripped off by how much Velvet knew. It was like they could make all the progress in the world, and their enemy would already be ready for it. Oh, but maybe there were still options, Kori would just need to ask Rosa for a favour.

"... No, you're not going to pull off anything with gravitation elementals either. You forget that I was even there to see that, I can already predict where such research had taken you. You would have gone and done plenty of research related to dark elemental junk as a result, learning plenty in the process. This is why it's fortunate I have the place also elementally shielded too, something which won't even annoy the average person because no one here even knows what that involves. Meanwhile, if we're going to play with instruments, I've got a few things just waiting for the time to use them. Like I said, you don't have any options anymore, just come quietly so that there is no risk of you getting hurt." "Wow, I'm touched, you're worried I'm going to get hurt. Holy hell, that's rich. Endless threats, get thrown through hell, but somehow needing medical kits is pushing things too far? Maybe because we don't have many medical kits, maybe because some idiot is making sure we have absolutely nothing. And now that I come to pick up supplies, you're throwing the biggest fit imaginable.. but don't want me getting hurt?" Velvet stepped backwards as Kori advanced threateningly in turn. With all consideration, if Velvet wasn't willing to assert harm.. then how exactly did she hope to enforce anything in a one to one confrontation with Kori.

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