61-Potential Candles

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Once the two completed their shift, they made immediate preparations in parallel to the work they had prepared for their Aestean defense. They were both motivated to go the distance, gathering all of their resources for the oncoming confrontation.

Lyun walked into foundry headquarters, brushing off the red flakes that had gathered on her shoulders. She also looked like an oncoming storm, a stern expression having taken air of her. It had been quite the sudden shift, the sense of obligation building after learning the immensity of their goal. For once, Lyun hadn't panicked either, she was almost eerily composed in that way. She was simply driven to a cause, motivated to ensure that things would work out. Some of that impression may have been the impulses of her chaos which also wanted to assert dominance against primitive chaos, but she still had her own reasons.. as did Axln. The tranquility she had created simply needed to continue, the tragedy that had fallen onto Velvet needed to be prevented from reoccurring. Things had changed, and she would play her part to its fullest to ensure that both goals would be realized.

"Hello Zxyd." "Oh, it's you. Go away, I'm working and have no time for casual visits." "I'm not here to see you, don't be stupid. I'm here on business." "Foundry's closed for the night, get lost." "This is urgent, I need to speak with Mheridz." "Good for you, don't care. Door is behind you." "Ugh, I don't have time for your nonsense. If you don't want me to just walk in, call her up here." "No way am I going to disturb one of the foundry elite just because you have a whim. Unless you're here to cause trouble, the door is behind you." "What part of 'emergency' do you not understand? Actually, do you even forget that my presence is on the behalf of one of the foundry elite.. one who even stands above Mheridz. Really, she was the one who asked for this notification, so I believe I'm in the right." "Last warning, leave or you will be made to leave." Lyun sighed, Zxyd's bias was clearly running strong right now, irrationally so. It was fortunate though that she was well aware that she was in the right.. so long as she wasn't one to cause harm. She thus took a step forward.. and Zxyd activated an instrument he had handy. Nothing happened, so he rushed out from the desk.. and slammed face first into a holo, the impact sending him sprawling to the floor. By the time he got back up, Lyun was gone, the occasional red flecks scattered over the ground going further inside.

"Mheridz, time to wake up. We've got an emergency, one that we can't afford to sit on further, else it gets even worse." "Lyun, do you even know what time it is.. it's..." "Time to stand against your voidspawn, we've found the enemy. They have an armada right now, one that seems to exceed even Velvet's experience. Every moment we wait, things will get worse." "Are you joking? No.. no you're not. I just might not have expected you to bring the message." "It was either coming here or to be the one to stand in front of the academy in a major assembly and discuss everything with the administrative body. This was better." "Yeah, but you don't exactly make the fastest messenger." The door before Lyun opened, revealing a Mheridz already composed for action. It was also at this point that Zxyd had caught up to everything.

"I'm sorry, milady. She broke in after disabling..." "I hope you weren't any trouble to our messenger, not considering the urgency of her message. The wardens have the next two moments to prepare for deployment, we're leaving. I expect we're going to need to supplement our forces too, so I'm going to take care of that while we wait." "Ma'am." "I'll need to contact the outposts too, make sure everyone is ready to mobilize. Wait, actually.. maybe.. I'm getting ahead of myself. Lyun, come with me, we should discuss the enemy's current activity. Woah, actually, are you bleeding? There is blood all over your shoulders." Zxyd had already gone, his panic at the sudden shift visible considering two moments really wasn't much time, but even Mheridz had gone pale. A portion of Lyun's attire along her shoulder blades had been visibly torn away, the area coated with blood that still dripped on the floor. Actually, it didn't so much drip as it did.. float in small flakes.

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