33-Designated Leadership

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Axln and Lyun found themselves safely arrived on the other side within a very lush forest cover, not unlike the coverage they had departed under either. However, in turn, they also found the two of them weren't actually alone at that point either.

"Finally, you two show up. I was beginning to worry if Vael had forgotten about this step in the process. So, much like the same routine, hello Lyun and Axln, welcome to the second part of your.. I have no idea what that girl might have called everything. By the divine, it is far too late in the day for this sort of thing.. but the void waits for no one." "Oh, it's you again, great. Mary, right?" "Axln, you would probably be the last person I would have expected to say my name wrong.. but yes. Mheridz. You would probably know my companion as well, at least Lyun would know this particular warden. Don't mind him, he's being shy or something." Mheridz had been leaning on a tree until Axln stepped forward with discussion. Lyun and Zxyd however were both silently staring at each other, completely uncertain what to say. This was exactly why Lyun had wanted to confront Velvet instead of Mheridz, this was all too cruel.

"Okay, warden, if you're not going to be sociable, at least do your job. Stop standing there like an idiot and start looking at least professional. Alright, so, business. As you had probably just heard, taking that stupid book had caused problems for pretty much everyone. Void spawn have been taking the open fields as a storm, and things would only get worse from there. Actually, I wonder.. how many takedowns has Vael had so far?" "Velvet had accounted for twelve DMAs.. chaos." "Nice, so we've got a lead of three on the other side. Then again, Vael is supposed to have that incident today, I don't expect our own sightings until next dawn. Oh, yes, do keep in mind while you're fighting.. just how rough it is. Then, be certain to show up on this side for our own turn at the same scale of monstrosity of a void spawn. After that, keep in mind.. this is only the beginning. The trickle of a stream before the raging torrent of the flood." Mheridz actually gave away a few little things to Axln in her words. Mheridz actually knew about the sighting that Velvet had only just gotten a message about. Not only that, she actually already knew when her own turn was scheduled to occur, almost a full day later. However, she didn't know exactly how many chaos sightings Velvet had experienced so far. The distinction was subtle.. but potentially meaningful.

"Okay, okay, fine, whatever. Things are bad, bad things are being bad, weren't we supposed to do something about it?" "Sorry Lyun, you're correct, I expect we really should be on our way. There is much more we could discuss in the process, which might be far more comfortable than just standing here doing nothing. I expect you might want to at least get in some more last minute practice in weapon handling on that side before you actually start fighting." "Practice... That reminds me, we never actually looked into how Sophie's stuff works." "Wait, Vael is sending you into combat.. without training? That idiot.. picking up the worst traits from her mother, I swear." "I don't know, Velvet was at least a lot nicer than you, you know. Seriously, and that's saying something from someone who gassed us, locked us in cages, and pretty much resorted to torture." "Do you then at least have arbalestae training?" "Ah, it's an instrument, I'll figure out how it works later." "No then. Alright, if you are up to it, I extend my invitation for a bit of combat training to prepare you for the next dawn. Training will occur this dusk, show up or don't, your choice. Meanwhile, could you please finally call your guide here so we can get going?" Mheridz really was starting to look impatient, Lyun only making that matter worse. Axln however was surprised to realize that their host was actually waiting for them to react.

"Wait, you're going to follow us through the rift? Are you sure that's safe.. for you?" "Oh please, I'm too tired for this. I know you would be cautious in causing trouble, considering you've already fought void spawn and know how rough the encounter is. Both of us have bigger things to worry about right now. In that consideration, I know that if we are no threat to you, you will be no threat to us. You and the entire citadel. So, if you please..." "Luna, can we get a rift out here? Have some special need for quicker transportation." Axln wasn't going to dispute the matter with Mheridz, the girl even technically had a point. Diplomacy was far more effective right now than aggression. Once they passed through the rift, Axln started working with Luna on their next destination, leaving Lyun to the company of their two momentary guests.

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