20-Starlight Citadel

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Lyun and Axln found themselves once more on the other side successfully, thus aware that this must then be the Starlight Citadel. Things had worked out correctly, for the most part at least, it was just quickly obvious that they had made a slight error.

Lyun glanced around at the metallic nature of her surroundings, the perspective having her quickly check to ensure she did actually have her elven ears. Her world wasn't known for using such metals, this whole place looked ripped right out of the Terran Mythos. She turned to bring up this detail with Axln.. only to find herself greeted with a solid wall. Wait, they had shifted over to a place where they had instead been separated? She really was foolish, standing so far away in what used to be a big room.. and was now just a bunch of corridors. Stricken with worry, she started off in search of her companion.

Axln meanwhile waited a while before setting off, realizing that Lyun wasn't about to just shift them back so that they could just re-coordinate things. There wasn't anything to do about that, they would just have to meet up more naturally then. Axln tried some adjustments on her circlet to help make navigating easier, but found no success piercing the walls. Okay, so that was also annoying, but manageable. So far, the ideal solution has looked to be the most normal. She was an expert at navigating places, this wouldn't be a problem.

Having a keen understanding of her abilities, it only took Axln two moments to be solidly convinced she had lost all measure of bearings she might have ever had. This place was the definition of wild, even the halls were untamed by concepts like navigation. All of her best guesses during navigation was that she was being forced to constantly backtrack on a path that led her through walls that didn't previously exist. She wasn't even sure at this point if this was a better or worse trap than she had just left, the whole place was nigh impossible to get anywhere explicit, including to leave. After another five moments, she just sat down for a break. For once, logic wasn't going to get her anywhere. Knowing that though, what else did she even have? She worried that such a realization should have worried her.. but she couldn't have felt any more liberated. She was absolutely lost, and somehow the simple exploration without exhaustive thought was thrilling for her. Maybe, she was just going crazy?

Lyun collapsed hard on her face, her stamina all too spent. She was certain that was the right turn.. wasn't it? Three lefts, two rights, another nine lefts.. wait, nine? Had she really gone left nine times? Why did she even do that? Oh well, it didn't matter anyway. What mattered was that she had still not found Axln yet. Certainly she was close though, it would make sense, she.. actually had no idea where she was. It wasn't until that very instant that Lyun had figured out that she might have gotten carried away and had inadequately compensated for how complex everything was. Soon into being critical with herself, she also caught on that she could have maybe just shifted them back so that they could find each other. At this point though, it was far too late. She sighed, feeling very upset. She was absolutely furious, having been on edge for a while. She needed to find a productive way to vent, though that wasn't very normal for her. Maybe she had just never had a situation this tense yet, maybe she really was getting that worried, maybe she was just getting tired. Either way, she might have understood she needed to vent, but she had no idea how she might do so without causing more problems.

Mheridz walked through another hall, staying ever vigilant. As she turned another corner, a blossom blew past her. The average person would have paid such a thing no mind, not even having considered that there was no wind in these halls. The halls had begun to move, its guardians were awake, the girls had arrived. She chased after the blossom, but it was already gone. No, no, no. She had to have all wardens on alert, the thieves were finally here, and they had to be stopped right away.

Axln suddenly got back up, resolving that no matter the details, she simply couldn't afford to give up. Undiscovered motivation or trickles of insanity, it was better than nothing. She approached another intersection, uncertain where to go from there. After some contemplation, she suddenly decided that maybe she should just go right, it was just a feeling she had. Clearly, she was lapsing into insanity, but right was better than nothing. Meanwhile, Lyun just outright kicked the wall, the hollow gong going off through the halls. It didn't matter, she didn't care at this point. If she needed to vent that badly, she would just find something to vent at, just wouldn't think about it. She would just go where her feet took her, not caring about the details.

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