70-Final Moments

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The longer Axln sat through the ongoing speculation for the matter, the more confident she got in her chosen approach. Sure, she wasn't certain regarding how knowing fate was needed would matter, but it was the most glaring solution she could think of.

"I don't know how elemental land is doing, but it looks like our crew here is getting worn out again. Might we adjourn this for a while more before getting back to the problem." "Drew, I worry that if we call things here, we will have to bring things to a permanent closure. Lyun and I really can't keep this going forever, we might instead need to take what has been discussed and look for answers more locally. If we're really running out of time, I table the suggestion that everyone takes an opportunity for any closing conversation before the connection becomes forever broken. If people want to break with a snack for that period, that's reasonable, there might even be merit for arranging private conversations too, as it seems even Mheridz and Velvet had taken an interest in that area. Lyun and I however will need to sit down somewhere else. We'll still keep that thing going, but someone else should keep the instrument on." Drew went quiet as he realized that his words may have resulted in a motion for Axln to bring everything towards a closure. Considering how magnificent this connection was, it would really be unfortunate that such could never again be repeated.

There was quite a lot of closure needed in the process as well. The two who could call themselves each the sisters to the pair had a lot to speak upon for lifestyles of being a sister, especially after learning that they each had a subtle connection to the other's sister for quite some time. Once Sophie and Xwyrh were finished, Drew and Jhez had quite the volume to speak upon with each other too, especially since they had only just learned they would both one day become fathers under mutual terms. Even Tristine and Ezhyrae had volumes to speak upon about abstract creations, considering the similarity between each of their studies, which each called upon new inspirations to bring them ahead of the current curve. Tristine needed novel new ideas for technical designs which could make a conduit like her shine, while Ezhyrae needed her own inspiration to yield innovation before the foundry which could merit her own new title, hopefully in a way which applied her study of ersatz. Tristine and Ezhyrae each then spoke volumes of the legacy brought out by Holi and Luna, the unsated marvels of each, superseding the potential of their own community, likewise remaining untapped and yet related to the interests of Ezhyrae and Tristine. Velvet and Mheridz were last to close everything off, though neither of them had very much more to say.

"Are you two done yet?" "Not yet, mom. Velvet seems to think you have a plan, because you sound like you have a plan. I would have to agree with her. Where are we going?" "Sorry, but you're going to have to stay here. It seems even Luna can't provide directions to where I need to go, and I know you absolutely have no idea either. Only Lyun can help with this one." Axln was starting to wonder if letting Mheridz actively conspire might have been a poor decision. "I heard my name, what am I missing?" "Hey mom, can you tell Kori.. Axln there to not be so uptight?" "Wait, since when did I get nominated to be a mom?" "You know it's going to happen, you know we're blood related, what else am I to call you in that case? Your age might fit it more, but we're certainly not sisters." "Okay, I did miss a lot. Axln, what's going on?" Lyun did know she was supposed to be a mom one day, she just had gotten used to Velvet just calling her by name. The subtle references were building a very different impression for her.

"Our two future daughters here are apparently getting a bit future aware as we get closer to a grand conclusion. Their role in everything really is coming to an end, though. You and I will have to take it from here." "So you have figured something out. You had seemed rather preoccupied in thought during our assumed break, I could tell something was up. I'm guessing you just wanted to hold the matter for when we would be free to move." "Pretty much. I mean, I don't have much concrete, only a theory, so I don't want to get people's hopes up. However, we're running out of time, and there was nothing better, so I think we're going to have to at least work with what we have." Axln's plan was no secret to Lyun, at least the existence of one wasn't. What was also obvious was how there was something she didn't want to speak about the details right now, potentially due to the present company.

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