51-Preliminating Antiquity

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Even before the main event would occur, the girls first needed to complete their trial run. Even that would require some digilent practice and preparation.

"So how does it feel to suddenly be good at something you didn't know you've been good at?" "Oh come on, Drew, you know you it's a lot more complicated than that. It's like an episode of mass amnesia in anything that had to do with me, and suddenly everyone remembers this one really big thing. Don't worry, that's about as impossible from my world as this world." "Except, this is your world too. That's why you have such a history to work with." "That's the part that's blowing my mind the most right now. Xwyhr said I should get comfortable with both my lives, because both of them were an important part of me.. and yet now I figure out just how right she actually was." "Supposedly, you've been pressuring yourself to do technology your whole life, when your real passion was in fine arts. That might even be as true here as it is there. Don't forget, I'm well versed into being pressured into doing something without passion.. even while having enough talent for it. I didn't want to run a company, though I hear I do a reasonably good job at it. In the process though, I make sure to invest time for both my needed talents and my wanted passions. I would heartily recommend the same. Your talents in multiple variants of technology.. robotics, machinery, cybernetics.. having such an expansive experience and talent would really take you places. I expect your variant of the same in your other life would be much of the same deal, too. However, you shouldn't neglect your passions, it's smart to take your own time to invest into such a thing too. I'll see if I can acquire some basic supplies to help you with such self discovery, too.. something for artistic expression in addition to all of the musical performances we're already working towards. I'll just slip in such requisitions along with all of the random personal projects I've funded for myself." Drew took a moment to indicate his private workroom again to Rosa as they muddled over some of the initial plans they had developed for all of the musical requirements. Rosa was already getting quite embarrassed at all of the personal attention.

"Come on, you shouldn't waste business money on my own personal pursuits." "I waste business money on MY own personal pursuits already, I fail to see how this is any different. Besides, I think of it as funding employee development. You're already learning music for the profit of the business, think about how much value you could bring if you learn artistic design, too? I could have you make promotional banners or such, no one on site is capable of the same, your own sister is the closest we have to someone with design skills, and hers are a touch more in fashions and textiles. I hear she's been overwhelming Tristine with exploring fashion options for wardrobes of all female staff, too, so your sister would probably be all over an opportunity to realize her own personal passions if we actually had more commercial avenues with which to achieve it." "I guess, if that's just how things work in this world." Rosa shrugged, realizing Drew was already convinced on the subject. Now she has both Xwyhr and Drew pressing herself to discover her own personal happiness and putting some considerable value in the process. Drew however had only just begun.

"Honestly, I can't see why you shouldn't realize your passions in both. There, you might live in a school, but that's all the more reason to learn, right? ... or.. relearn.. or whatever. If you've been ignoring your passions there too, then it's prime time to dive in. Your next visit, you should go figure out how the fine arts actually work there too. So far, you're going to need to anyway, to explore options of reasonable instruments to learn. Just.. you might want to not stop at just a sense of obligation, you should learn all of this for yourself, too. Don't just dabble in singing and whatever instrument you're going to need for all of this, explore a bunch of instruments you might like, even ones you'll not need. Then look into drawing or whatever other fine arts appeal to you. Considering how you move with holos, I think you could even do dancing.. if that actually appealed to you. Theater arts, for all we know, could be your thing too, and that's really handy sometimes in business presentations. Literature.. I guess you didn't value much initially.. so it might not have as much passion for you.. but there is only one way to be certain." Drew himself wasn't especially familiar with the fine arts himself, so realizing what sorts of creative pursuits this could include remained a bit beyond him. What was not beyond him was finding cause to encourage Rosa into delving into the process for herself.

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