A Mysterious Stalker

Start from the beginning

"Open your eyes," Camila says once she takes the blindfold off.

The brunette hears Lauren gasp making her laugh as she walks to be in front of her.

"Camila! I... We... Is this... Can we even afford this? Well, what the fuck am I talking about? Did you... Did you buy it, right?" Lauren asks.

"Of course. I know how much you hate flying in public planes so... I bought our very own," Camila says.

"Camila... I can't... I can't accept this," Lauren says.

"You kinda have to cause this cost quite a bit," Camila says.

"How much?" Lauren asks.

"It doesn't matter," Camila cups Lauren's face in her hands.

The airport employee walks into the plane to set their luggage down before coming back out. He smiles at the two women and gets into the car, driving off.

"Now then, do you wanna see the inside?" Camila smiles mischievously at her wife.

"What's with the smile?" Lauren asks.

"You'll see when we enter but for now..." Camila trails off.

She turns to the plane entrance and another man comes out, dressed in a pilot uniform.

"Saludos, Mrs. and Mrs. Cabello," He says. (Greetings)

"Lauren, meet our pilot Miguel Angel De La Costa," Camila says.

"Un placer Mrs. Cabello," Miguel Angel tips his hat at Lauren. (A pleasure)

"Just call me Lauren," The green-eyed girl says.

"The plane is all set Mrs. Cabello," Miguel Angel turns to Camila.

"We will board now then," Camila says.

She holds her hand out to her wife and Lauren takes it as Camila leads them inside the plane.

"Now, why did you have that mischievous smile on your face?" Lauren asks her wife.

Miguel Angel enters the plane, closing the door, and immediately enters the cockpit, sliding the door shut.

"Come," Camila says.

Still holding onto her wife's hand, Camila leads them to the very back and slides the door open to reveal a bedroom.

"Camila..." Lauren whispers.

"Now we can fall asleep without worrying about any other people... Or we could... Do other things," Camila wiggles her eyebrows playfully.

Lauren laughs as she places her arms on Camila's shoulders. "Now I understand but... I'm quite tired so... Can we sleep?" Lauren says.

"What mi reina wants," Camila says.

Unknown Person's POV

I walk up the stairs of the house as I take out a spare key from my pocket. I slide it into the keyhole and turn it as the lock clicks and I slowly open the door. I step inside and close the door behind me as I walk over to the closet.

I open one of the drawers, already knowing where what I'm looking for is located, and bingo, it is there or they are there.

I quickly grab one and close the drawer before leaving the room.

Later that night, I close the door to my room as I walk over to my desk and tap my finger against the surface.

"What to do? What to do?" I whisper to myself.

I stand and walk over to my nightstand as I take out yet another key then walk back over to my desk.

I unlock the very bottom drawer to reveal photos, pieces of clothing, and many other things that I have collected, and they all belong from that one person.

I take out a piece of clothing and bring it up to my nose as I inhale the scent.

"God! You always smell divine," I whisper.

I take out another piece of clothing, running my hand along where their sex will be if they were wearing the piece of clothing.

I slip my hand under my pants as I slowly start to masturbate. I place the piece of clothing over where my hand is as my hips buck, wanting nothing more than to have that person just fuck me, love me the way I love them but I know it will never happen.

I abruptly take my hand out as my blood starts to boil.

I drop the piece of clothing in the drawer then grab a picture on my desk as I hold it up, looking at the person in it.

"I fucking hate you!" I yell.

I grab a lighter and the flame flickers as I hold it up to the picture as one of the corners starts burning and soon the entire picture does, leaving nothing but ashes.

Due to the smoke, the fire alarms in the house start to go off but I honestly give zero fucks about them, letting them cry.

After a couple of minutes, the fire alarms finally shut the fuck up as I grab yet another picture on my desk.

I play with my lower lip as I run my fingers over it slowly. "If you only knew that I loved you. If you only fucking knew that, that person you are with does not fucking love you. They don't fucking love you!" I said.

I set the picture down and stand up as I look outside my bedroom window.

"I will see you soon... Camila," I said.

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